Hello everybody, I'm new to the forum. I have several years of GTD, and love the app called Things (only for the Apple World), in many aspects superior to DOIT.im. But, I surrender to DOIT because I work in a Windows Computer, and merge personal tasks with work tasks. And the IOS version has evolved a lot in the last two years. I think Things can be replaced with no problem.

One feature I like on Things is the possibility of viewing the TAGS OF THE TASK on the tasklist, specially on the desktop/browser edition. Maybe in mobile we don't have the space to it...

The tasklist would looks like this:

"do something" [tag:quick task] due/etc...
"do a report" [tag:boss ordered] due/etc...
"do other stuff" due/etc...

Note that it's only a detail display feature; don't alter nothing in the internal app queries to FILTER the tasks.

BEYOND THAT, the tasklist "knows" all the tags used (by the tasks displayed) and shows buttond on the top of screen to quickly filter the tasklist by these tags. I my example, the top of tasklist would be like that:

"Filter by tags: [ALL] [quick task] [boss ordered]"

What about it?