First of all, GTD does not prescribe a detailed solution for that. GTD does not have a Today list or a Tomorrow list.
GTD has:
- a Calendar for appointments and other things that must be done on a particular day
- a Next actions list for most of your stuff
- a Waiting For list (other people's actions that you need them to get finished)
- a Tickler file for actions that cannot be started until some future date
I use:
- Doit's Scheduled is my Tickler file, to hide things that are pointless to consider until a certain date
- Doit's Next and Waiting exactly as per GTD above
- a Calendar for appointments
In addition I use Doit's Today list for preparing a tentative collection of what I will consider doing later today. I also copy today's appointments to this list to have it all in one place.
Things like brushing my teeth or walking the dog I do not put in anywhere. This is perfectly in line with GTD. GTD does not say you should put everything down, only if it takes up your attention or bothers you. So if toothbrushing is a problem for you that you worry about, then by all means write it down.
For daily trivia that you want to make sure you do not forget you could "tickle" a repeating checklist ("Schedule" a repeating task with subtasks). Personally I have one such daily reminder. And a few weekly and monthly repeating checklists.
GTD has:
- a Calendar for appointments and other things that must be done on a particular day
- a Next actions list for most of your stuff
- a Waiting For list (other people's actions that you need them to get finished)
- a Tickler file for actions that cannot be started until some future date
I use:
- Doit's Scheduled is my Tickler file, to hide things that are pointless to consider until a certain date
- Doit's Next and Waiting exactly as per GTD above
- a Calendar for appointments
In addition I use Doit's Today list for preparing a tentative collection of what I will consider doing later today. I also copy today's appointments to this list to have it all in one place.
Things like brushing my teeth or walking the dog I do not put in anywhere. This is perfectly in line with GTD. GTD does not say you should put everything down, only if it takes up your attention or bothers you. So if toothbrushing is a problem for you that you worry about, then by all means write it down.
For daily trivia that you want to make sure you do not forget you could "tickle" a repeating checklist ("Schedule" a repeating task with subtasks). Personally I have one such daily reminder. And a few weekly and monthly repeating checklists.