I love having the Goals feature.

It already allows me to order all my projects into a few distinct goals (I have five Goals defined). I keep the Goals section of the left menu always expanded and the Projects section always collapsed. Very nice.

I have the idea that a special Goal Overview would perhaps solve many different problems we face on a daily (and weekly) basis. You might say it would serve a purpose right in between viewing the Today list and viewing an individual project

  • the Today list shows you what you need to pay attention to today, across the board
  • the Project shows you what you will need to consider at anytime ever, but only for that project
  • the Goal Overview would show you what you need to pay attention to from now on into the near future, but only for that Goal (a whole group of related projects)

This would be useful both for frequent reviewing of your lists and for understanding what is going on in total across all boxes and for a longer time ahead than just today - and still a short enough list for being pleasant and useful to read often.


I like to review my projects one Goal at a time. The iPhone and Windows have a convenient Back button to take me back to the Goal's project list (hopefully the web version will soon, too). This means I can click from the Goal's overviewable list of projects into each project, then back to the goal's project list, then into the next project etc etc.

But I somehow miss being able to see all the essentials at the task level for the Goal as a whole, especially if I do small reviews or checkups in between my weekly reviews, but also as a good start to the weekly review of each Goal.

One way, probably too crude, but just to start this brainstorming discussion, would be to have exactly like a project view for the goal as a whole, i.e. a Next box showing all the next actions from all the projects within this goal, then a Waiting box for all the waiting for actions within this goal etc. etc

Task selection and awareness

Another thing we have touched upon in other threads is the Next list. We all like to have a proper Next list, which shows us everything that is truly possible for us to do now. And this is the GTD way.

At the same time, we often also want to look just a little bit around the corner and see what will very soon become next actions. Maybe these tasks are just blocked by some very short next actions or by an imminent waiting for action, or maybe they have a very nearby tickle date (impossible only one more day etc). Unfortunately, the more such tasks you include on your Next list, the less it becomes a true and accurate Next list.

One very crude solution to this, possible only if Doit changes the starring system, would be to star all such things and look at it all from the Today list, but I can predict that this would make the Today list too long and practically not usable.

But maybe it would be possible to achieve something of that nature on a goal by goal basis, and more automatically, too? A Goal Overview that shows us all the essentials for one single goal without us having to star anything - and without drowning in stuff that is either too distant or of minor importance?

Circumventing the Problem with Workarounds

Doit currently lacks support for subsequent project actions, and every user seems to have his/her own workaround, typically involving the use of Priority and/or Someday, often in combination.

Doit also has a funny starring system, which makes some people use Next in combination with a special Context for the Waiting for actions.

The Goal Overview would need to be a little bit configurable in order to allow different users to implement their various workarounds. But hopefully nothing difficult. And some configurability would be perhaps be necessary anyway, since different users may attribute different kinds of meaning to the Priority property.


When you click a Goal in the left menu it would be natural for the task-level Goal Overview to show in the main pane.

The groups of Active and Inactive projects, which we can see in the main pane today, should remain somewhere in the new Goal Overview. Within the goal overview in the main pane, the grouping should perhaps be by box, just like in the project view, i.e. with no project headings; only the regular project indicator for each individual task.

The special thing about the goal overview list would be the fact that it would be "filtered" in such a way that only the most relevant tasks are shown in accordance with the user's preference settings:

Tentative Settings Options for the Goal Overview

The Goal Overview list could look exactly as the current Projects, i.e. grouped by Box etc, but show tasks from within the entire selected Goal in each box, and only showing tasks that meet the user's settings:

  • Next, certain priorities only, e.g. show red, blue and white only
  • Waiting, certain priorities only, e.g. show red and blue only
  • Scheduled, starting within X days only, e.g. 10 days
  • Someday, certain priorities only, e.g. show red only
  • For all the above: also show excluded tasks if deadline is within Y days, e.g. 10 days
  • Always show starred tasks, regardless of all the above.

All in all, with these kinds of settings, I would gauge that only maybe one quarter of the total number of tasks under each goal would show up in the Goal Overview. This would be quite manageable, and would still hopefully provide an accurate enough overview of all the different categories of tasks that we need to pay attention to in different ways during the next few days or week.


If in this group we could hone this idea into something that is simple for Doit to implement, versatile for different users' varying needs, and truly useful for many users, then chances are that we can see it come true.

What do you think of this?