The feature manually order tasks is been developing now. On some versions,like Mac,it has been completed.
You can get some information about the new version by clicking the link below.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
Feature to sort and/or manually order tasks have been in your plan/design phase for months now.
Can we have a status update for this basic feature?
Can we expect to have it in the next release? If yes, when it could happen?
Best regards, Eric
11/08/2013 03:28#4
11/09/2013 14:50#5
This is not working for my (Mac 1.6.22 and Web)
Do we special conditions to do it?
11/10/2013 06:06#6
I am sorry that it is not supported yet. We are developing it now.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
11/10/2013 13:47#7
I am really excited about the new version!
I think the manual sorting will be a fantastic feature. Being able to place tasks in a natural order helps you see if any additional actions will be necessary, or if some can be omitted. This is the most essential part of the GTD review. And it is great that your are implementing manual sorting at all hierarchical levels (from Goals and all the way down). And it is great that you can expand tasks into subtasks in the list - will you be able to expand projects into tasks in the Goal view as well?
I do not quite understand what is meant by "guide themes", but I guess I will see when the new version is launched - I assume I will be able to see my stuff expanded/collapsed and manually sorted whenever I want to (not have to enter some special "mode").
One thing that gives me mixed feelings is the phrase "3. Show one or all, it's up to you!". This sounds as a good thing in the sense that it seems you are now implementing an automatic "activation" feature for subsequent (dependent) tasks that are not yet meaningful to see on the main lists (Next, Waiting etc). This is an important step in the right direction and something many have asked for. On the other hand it sounds as if you have chosen the rather dull and unrealistic approach to either have only exactly one task active (visible) or to have all tasks active. In most real projects you have a few tasks, usually more than just one, but far from all, that are to be placed on the Next and Waiting lists. I hope you will give this some consideration, so that it would match a phrase such as "3. Show one or some or all, it's up to you!" ;_)
And then you have a lot of new time planning features and performance review features. I have no idea how well these features satisfy exactly what needs of those people who might want to work in that kind of way, so I cannot give you any feedback, sorry, but I hope they get a warm reception :-)
It is all very exciting :-) -
11/11/2013 08:56#8
Thank you for your feedback!
Q:will you be able to expand projects into tasks in the Goal view as well?
A:It is not in our developing plan now.
Q:I do not quite understand what is meant by "guide themes", but I guess I will see when the new version is launched - I assume I will be able to see my stuff expanded/collapsed and manually sorted whenever I want to (not have to enter some special "mode").
A:No,you do not need to. Guide themes is a reminder for you when you collect tasks. You do not need to go to some special "mode" for manually sorting.
Q:One thing that gives me mixed feelings is the phrase "3. Show one or all, it's up to you!".
A: It is in Next. Now we support showing one task. Later we are considering making it be able to show tasks which you can set it.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
11/11/2013 15:47#9
And thank you for bringing manual sorting at all levels. That is something I look forward to :-)
And here is a tip:
You know, currently when you look at the total list of projects, there is a heading a bit down that says Inactive projects. Are you with me?
The exact same concept you could use absolutely everywhere (at all hierarchical levels) - when looking at the list of Goals, or looking at an individual Goal (to see the projects), or when looking at a particular Project (to see the tasks) or when looking at an individual task (to see the subtasks).
All the items under this heading (line) simply are not to be shown on the main "Box" lists. They are all inactive/dependent/subsequent - for being done in the future only after other things have been completed.
Then later in Doit's development, based on that, you could also consider automating the movement of such inactive items one at a time into the active state (very elegant and useful), but the first step - of having such "lines" everywhere - is very useful even without automation, and should be a much simpler step to begin with than full automation. -
11/12/2013 01:15#10
Yes,there are inactive projects in the projects list. Do you mean that there also could be inactive goals,tasks,subtasks? -
11/12/2013 03:37#11
In principle, yes. That is what they are until other things have been completed and they are still impossible; they are neither Next; Waiting, Someday, Tickler nor Calendar - nothing at all; just sitting "left behind" in the project (in what GTD calls "project support" until the time is ripe to "activate" them.).
11/12/2013 07:27#12
Tasks in inactive project will only be showed in the individual project view and subtasks are in the task view. If the task's start time is in the future and have specific start date/time,it will be showed in Tomorrow or Scheduled.
For Goals,they only be showed in Goals list. Goals are not showed in project.
I am sorry that I could not understand you well. Could you please describe your idea in detail? -
11/12/2013 08:01#13
Nevermind. It was just a visual tip on how you could implement the thing that you and I and others have already been talking about in other threads - how to control which tasks are visible on the main lists and which ones are left in the project, invisible elsewhere.
What I am saying here is just the same thing:
New tasks (in projects) should still be placed by default in such a way that they will be fully "active"/visible in Next, Waiting etc exactly like is the case today, but there could be a horizontal line (or heading etc) further down within the project, a line that you can drag tasks under to "inactivate" them, and can place the in the correct sequential order, and can have them automatically moved one by one up into the "active" section when this section is empty.
There are many ways to solve the problem, which boils down to:
- be able to hide all subsequent ("still impossible") tasks from the "Box" lists etc (only visible within each project itself)
- allow any number of tasks to be active/inactive in each project (usually 2-3 active, but can vary from project to project)
- automate the flow of tasks from the inactive to the active state (to the correct "Box" list) when the active tasks in the project have been completed
What I wanted to point out here in this thread was just that you already have something that looks a bit similar in the list of projects - there is a "line" there (called Inactive projects). You could have the same solution in all these lists at all levels. -
11/12/2013 08:34#14
Thank you for your detailed description. I am clear this time. We will consider it seriously.