Having a Today list is wonderful! It helps you gather things that you are going to get done today, or expect to get done today, or want to think about to today, on one short page. This is great!

But the way Doit has done it is:
- unnormal and unfamilar (no one else does it in the same way)
- unpractical and annoying (creates unnecessary extra work)
- not GTD


If you look at apps such as Google Drive or Gmail, or look at task manager apps such as Nirvana, Toodledo, Getitdoneapp, Zendone, Appigo, MyLifeOrganized, IQTell, just to mention a few, you will see that the normal function of starring an item is:

- making it more visible in its list (by turning the star yellow, as opposed to the others in the list)
- making it visible on a special list also, usually called Starred, Today, Hotlist, Focus, Dashboard etc

None of these other apps moves the item to another place or makes it invisible on the list it was on. It just gets visible in two places. But Doit moves/hides the item from the list it belongs to, and this is very, very unfamiliar.


If you want to see what would be possible for you to do now (today), you would expect to find all those things neatly summarized on the Next list. That would be practical and logical (and that is also precisely how it works in other apps). Or, similarly, if you want to look at what other people have undertaken to deliver to you, you would look at the Waiting list to get the full picture. Etc.

As it is now, this does not work in Doit. As soon as you star an item it is immediately removed (hidden) from its list. You no longer have at all the things of a certain kind (Next, Waiting etc) available on one single list, as you would need to have.


GTD has a similar and optional thing called the "white index card" where you can make an excerpt (copy) of what you want to carry with you during the day. But just because you copy something to the white index card you do not remove it from your Next list (or Waiting For list etc.)

In GTD a Next action is what it is, until it is done - it is still a Next action even if you copy it to a white index card. The same applies if you copy some other kind of item (Waiting, Someday, calendar, tickler, subsequent project action) to the withe index card. Putting something on the white index card does not in any way change the item's "home position" - it only means you have decided to consider it carefully today or even get it done today.

Please fix. This is an error that causes people to say bad things about Doit. And I personally find it annoying, too.