I think I probably agree with the overall effect that you are looking for, but I think there are even better ways.
I certainly agree that the setting for this needs to sit in each individual project. Projects are different, just as you say, and there needs to be a way within each project to determine which tasks are now possible to do and therefore should show up on the general lists (Next, Waiting etc) and which ones are still impossible to do and should remain "hidden" from those lists, visible only when you look at the individual project.
Therefore, I do not think there needs to be any Show One, Show Available or Show All options at all for the Next list. The only position that is relevant is "Show Available" - and the number of tasks could vary infinitely from one project to another - it could be one or all or anything in between, depending on the individual project.
I do not believe in a strictly one-by-one sequential mode. Too many other apps have wasted development effort on this. I only rarely have a project with just one single action that is possible to do. And David Allen clearly says you need to identify ALL possible actions (all true Next actions in the project). So the app needs to be flexible.
I have suggested a simple solution - a "line" in the project, such that you can drag your impossible ones (subsequent tasks) below the line to "hide" them from the Next and Waiting lists. What are your thoughts on that?
I would like to suggest a feature where we could make projects sequential or not. eg My "Single Action Project" is not sequential , so all tasks should be shown. Where my "passport renewal" project is sequential and needs to be done in an order.
So instead of "SHOW ONE" we can have something like "SHOW Available"
Thanks a lot for the updates
04/14/2014 21:23#1
04/15/2014 01:28#2
I agree with your thoughts completely. There can be more than 2 actions at a time.
But I am not completely sure with the solution as of now. Also I get why the Doit.im team are struggling with it.
My 2 cents.
I was wondering if no task ever shows in next initially and then we manually decide which ones we have to do. But I am not sure the Doit.im team would agree on this.
04/15/2014 08:25#3
@Folke @shataria
Your suggestion is in our consideration though it is not in our developing schedule now. Now you can manual sort the tasks according to the status if the task is ready when it is "SHOW ALL", then use "SHOW ONE" to see the ready task.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
04/15/2014 13:59#4
@wendy_only and @shataria
Yes, and it is really a pity that you spent so much effort on that manual sorting and Show One, not only because it is "less than useful" for managing projects but also because it totally destroyed one of your most popular and useful features - the automating sub-sorting by priority in all views.
But, let me tell you about a good manual workaround for projects that I use now.. I use "No priority" for these subsequent tasks that are not possible for me (Next) or anyone else (Waiting) to start doing until other tasks have first been completed.
All my true Next, Waiting and Someday tasks have a colored priority (medium = normal; I wish I could set medium to be the default, though), and since I am not using the white priority as a priority, it is available as an identifier of the "yet-impossible" actions - this makes them easy to see and to ignore, as appropriate. Furthermore, I spread them out across the GTD category lists (Next, Waiting and Someday) in such a way that the vast majority (the more distant tasks) are in No Priority Someday, but those few that are blocked only by some very, very small actions, and may become a valid Next or Waiting For action in just a short while (few days) are visible as No Priority Next (will be done by me) or No Priority Waiting (will be delegated). This gives me "a look around the corner" of what is coming very soon, but does not drown me in distant tasks. I like it a lot. -
06/17/2014 18:04#5
Thanks Folke! I will use that method. I really hope there will be a sequential order for project steps feature in the future. So far I LOVE Doit.im
09/04/2014 02:04#6
Where is the show one / show all option in the next view? I can't seem to find it in the web version. Thanks.