Q1: Master Task (e.g. set for tomorrow and repeat every week) and specific task (calculated for tomorrow) are shown on Calendar view: both for tomorrow - I don't understand this concept as End User - I know it is very easy to implement but not for use. I didn't see such approach in other gtd solutions. There is even worst think - If I add some comment to occurrence task then it is not propagated to Master Task. So, I need to edit both :(
A: When you add a repeated task, there will be a whole repeated task (which exists in the Scheduled box) and occurrences (which exists in the Today/Tomorrow box) that are generated from the whole repeated task. For example, set a task that starts tomorrow (Sunday) and repeats every week. Then you'll see it in the Scheduled box under the "Repeated" bar if you choose "Group by Start time". And at the same time, you'll see it in the Tomorrow box. In the Tomorrow box, it is occurrence that is generated from the repeated task in Scheduled. Any change on occurrences will have no influence on the whole repeated task, but you modify the whole repeated task, the changes you made on it will also appear on the next occurrence that is generated from it.
In Calender, there will be two tasks with the same titles on April 14, Sunday (tomorrow). In fact, they are different. One is the whole repeated task and the other one is tomorrow's occurrence that is generated from the whole repeated task.
One more example, if the repeated task starts today (Saturday), still repeats every week, but on Sunday (repeats every Sunday), thus, in calendar, you'll see the task on both today and tomorrow. The former is the whole repeated task, and the latter is tomorrow's occurrence.
Q2: There is no difference for tasks that are completed and stil not completed in the calendar - I can see them and can't recognize if yestardays tasks are overdue or completed.
A: Do you mean that you complete occurrence in Today or Tomorrow but it still appear on Doit.im Calendar? Here, if you just complete occurrence in Today or Tomorrow, it makes no differences for the whole repeated task in calendar. To completed the whole repeated task, please check it off in Scheduled.
If convenient, could you please give us related screenshots of those tasks that are in Completed box but still keep showing in calendar?
Sorry for any inconvenience.
I was not able to find them properly sort ordered under Scheduled view.
As an workaround it was suggested to use Calendar view.
Here two questions:
1. Master Task (e.g. set for tomorrow and repeat every week) and specific task (calculated for tomorrow) are shown on Calendar view: both for tomorrow - I don't understand this concept as End User - I know it is very easy to implement but not for use. I didn't see such approach in other gtd solutions. There is even worst think - If I add some comment to occurance task then it is not propagated to Master Task. So, I need to edit both :(
2. There is no difference for tasks that are completed and stil not completed in the calendar - I can see them and can't recognize if yestardays tasks are overdue or completed.
04/13/2013 07:10#2
04/15/2013 08:24#4
Thanks for reply.
Ad Q1: Is it possible to add some mark that one of those both tasks with the same title is Master Task (Whole repeated task) and the second is only instance/occurance?
Ad Q2: I was wrong - I can see in Calendar Master Task (Whole repeated tasks) for past - but there is no difference in view, so I need to open each of them and confirm that it is not occurance that I should process.
04/15/2013 13:37#5
We will find a way to improve the calendar mode, making it easier to distinguish the whole repeated task, occurrences and common tasks.
Thank you for your feedback and support. -
04/15/2013 16:15#6
This is a private comment.
04/16/2013 09:09#7
We are sorting out translation strings and will send you by Email soon.
Thank you for your help in advance.