First off, here is a blog post I ran into today that you should be aware of:

I have been a pro-user for quite sometime now and have evangelized to many people. The biggest flaw that I see is simply the lack of being able to reorder my tasks on (at the very least) a day-to-day basis. In order to mimic this activity, I set all my tasks to "Do It Now" and then reorder them. This work around is annoying, plus I lose having my tasks bucketed by context.

I can already hear: "But David Allen never promoted re-ordering in GTD! We should do things via context, energy, and time!"

But (and this may be hubris) David Allen and GTD is also subject to improvement and criticism, just like any methodology that involves people and hopes to stay relevant over time.

I want to wake up in the morning, look at my tasks for the day, and add tasks that may have come up at the moment in my head that need to get done today. I would LOVE to reorder the tasks within Context buckets in the order that makes sense to me. Instead, I have to constantly look at all the tasks and use more mental bandwidth each time to figure out what order to accomplish my tasks in. My mind is stuck with this annoying routine at all times of the day and it's simply inefficient. Ditto for subtasks!

Similarly, I can't reorder my projects. That sucks. My workaround is to put an asterisk in front of the most important projects. It works, but it's not an elegant solution.

Am I complaining? I am - I know and I'm sorry.
I just rely on to organize the tasks that make up my hopes and dreams, and so badly want it to be MORE user-friendly. I don't want to breakup our relationship and have to use Wunderlist or TaskPaper. Don't make me do it, guys.

Please, let us reorder:
Contexts (at least within 'Today' - I want my Home tasks to display after I'm out of the Office, for example)

Just let us re-order everything, okay? Trust us to do so. Me and a sizable chunk of your user base will love you for it and wave your flag even harder. Don't let us down. Let me see it in the next update, before I'm forced to switch :(