
I've recommended doitim on reddit and multiple other places, but I wanted to mention a few things that are pretty simple that would make it, to me, one of the perfect todo apps. Right now I'm mostly using doitim but there are features from todoist that are wonderful.

1. I receive a daily digest of tasks due, overdue, and charts that display my productivity over the last week. This I don't see as a huge deal, but it is a nifty feature. http://p.twimg.com/Are92iLCAAAIemr.png:large

2. This is a big one to me and one of the things that really bugs me about doitim - the lack of color on the icons! I came to doitim from Things which has really nicely colored icons. I've never understood why the entire doitim app is grey. Also themeless. I'd love to be able to apply a dark/black theme. I really dislike applications that are very bright/grey (like the new and terrible Office 2013 theme)

Example of Things color vs Doitim http://i.imgur.com/Ioio7wR.png

Things icons really pop. I feel like the doitim icons are inactive or something.