Here, do you refer to adding a new project to Doit.im or adding a project to a task?
If the former, right click the Doit.im icon on Task bar and select "New Project" (See in attach file). Alternatively, you can create a new project when you add/edit a task.
If the latter, directly drag and drop a task on the right list to a project on the left-side menu. (Before you implement the drag and drop operation, please expand the projects on the left-side menu by clicking "PROJECTS".) Alternatively, you can add a project to a task when you add/edit the task.
As for Goal, it hasn't been supported in the Windows app yet. :( We will make it realized ASAP.
Shall you need any other help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thanks for your support on Doit.im
I allready purcase to pro version ,but i didnt found something..
thank you
08/27/2013 02:40#1
08/27/2013 05:22#3
Sorry but Windows app it's not worth. I purchased because I thought I'm gonna have this function at pro. Please refused my account. Inform me if it's any better.
08/27/2013 06:44#4
Goal will be supported on the windows app in the near future. We are just making a design for it.
And here is the term about refund:
"c. Within 30 days of purchasing a Doit.im Pro, if you dislike it, or want to cancel it, or for some other reasons, we will give you a full refund. Only the Pro user who purchases a yearly subscription is allowed to apply for a refund, and once the money is refunded to you, you will no longer request a refund from the same Doit.im account. However, purchases by monthly or made through App Store & Google Play can not be refunded. If you would like to apply for a refund, please contact our support team at vip@snoworange.com and we will help you to finish the refund procedure. d. Switch between Data Zones. Each Pro account is only allowed to apply for switching to another data zone once in a year. Please contact us at vip@snoworange.com."
If there is anything else that we can help with, please feel free to let me know.
Thanks for your support on Doit.im.