Hi guys,
once again thanks for your great product.

There is a feature, one SINGLE feature, that I am dying waiting for. I think it is critical to implement it ASAP to guarantee total user trust.

See, we put lots of critical data in doit, both personal and professional. And if would be extremely annoying that the service disappears from one day to another : we all know this could happen for dozens of reasons. Sad, but true.

In order to lose only a bit of time, but very little data, and thus to get the full trust of the user community, it would really be fantastic to be able to make a simple html hierarchical export of our data. Something like this:

-> goal 1 : goal description...
--> task_without_project_1 : attributes, description
--> task_without_project_n : attributes, description
--> project 1 : attributes, description
---> task 1 of project 1: attributes, description
---> task 2 of project 1: attributes, description
-> goal 2 : goal description...
-> no goal

Really, really, something as ugly as that, but with all the data. That's really easy to implement :)) So that:
1- we don't feel that we are datalocked
2- we are sure that if we save our data weekly, we won't be losing much information

pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz implement this feature ASAP. If you do, well I... don't know, promise to eat vegetable every day for a whole month ;-)
