Also, I think the expanded/collapsed state of the sidebar items should be persistent.
08/28/2013 22:56#1
08/29/2013 10:07#3
Q1: I keep maximizing the window, but every time I launch the app the window is the smaller default size again. Please allow the window size and location to be persistent.
A: we will seriously consider it.
Q2: Also, I think the expanded/collapsed state of the sidebar items should be persistent.
A: The expanded/collapsed state of the sidebar items should be persistent even if you quite the app or log out of the app?
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08/31/2013 14:54#4
About Q2, yes I definitely think the state should be persistent, even if you log out. This is the only app I use that doesn't remember the window position and other UI settings, so it's very annoying to have to keep restoring my preferred UI settings. Evernote, for example, has a persistent UI. I'm referring to the Mac desktop app, so I'm not actually logging out. I'm just quitting and restarting the app.
08/31/2013 14:55#5
BTW, the web app keeps the sidebar items expanded. Even if you just changed the desktop app to behave the same way (rather than default to collapsing the items), it would be better.
09/01/2013 02:55#6
We will think about your suggestion.
Shall you need any other help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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