Could you please now link to Google Cal to have a try? Before you do it, please make sure that you can visit Google Cal normally.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
I'm trying to use the "Two-way Sync between Doit.im and Google Cal" feature in Preferences - Account info.
1.- After clicking the "Link to Google calendar" button a new window appear (https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://i.doit.im/google/callback/calendar&access_type=offline&client_id=998284521241.apps.googleusercontent.com&hl=es&from_login=1&as=351c30dc7b03509a&pli=1) to confirm the access of Doit to my Google calendar.
2.- After confirmation, the Doit Login page appear (?https://i.doit.im/signin?original=https%3A%2F%2Fi.doit.im%2Fgoogle%2Fcallback%2Fcalendar)
3.- After loging a third page appear (https://i.doit.im/google/callback/calendar) but this one in blank and nothing seems to be done :(
Please help.
Thank you,
09/05/2013 07:59#3
09/06/2013 11:39#4
I finally did ii, but only using IE, with Chrome I'm still getting the same error.
Thanks in any case,
Enrique -
09/07/2013 04:30#5
Do you mean that you've successfully linked to Google Cal on IE? If so, when you log into Doit.im on Chrome, in Preferences - Account Info, it should show you that your Doit.im now is linked to Google Cal. There is no need to unlink it and then relink to Google Cal on Chrome.
And according to you description, do you mean that you unlink and relink to Google Caland then still get the same issue?
09/09/2013 09:05#6
We checked and found that your Doit.im account has been successfully linked to Google Cal. Does the sync between Doit.im and Google Cal work fine? And as for the issue on Chrome, we will go on tracking it. Did you install any plug-in that may block the pop-up?
We apology the inconvenience that caused to you. -
09/11/2013 09:16#7
Sorry for the delay in my answer.
The sync seems to be working fine.
regarding the Chrome issue, I configured Chrome to block pop-ups, but I'm not sure if that could be the problem as all the url listed above are shown in a second window different from the Do.it main window.
Thank you,
Enrique -
09/11/2013 10:31#8
You may relieve the block on Chrome to have a try. And we will go on tracking this issue. If you have any more info, please feel free to let us know.
We feel so sorry for the inconvenience that caused to you. -
09/22/2013 07:31#9
If you have further problems about it, please restart a new ticket.
Thanks for your feedback and support.