Hi, its me again ;)

I have two things to suggest,

I do this with contexts, , I have this @+60min , @60min , #30min @15min @2min

My main use is into the office, 80% personal use 20%.

When I look into today, I always organize by context, and is perfect to have the task ordered by context (in reality is time) but that is not the real concept. In others apps there is a parameter called time. Just a suggest.

I dont know really, how is the perfect escense from GTD, but I would like to list in the schedule by day of the week

not only this week, next mont and lather. I would like to auto organize this week by day. and just move the task from one to the other.

If you have time by task, you can order and take an idea of what productive can you be day by day.

my 5cts, I dont have many time with this tool, but if you can do this with other workflow I will be happy to know.

thank you