How do you re-sort your actions within a Project? For example, if I sit down to list out the action sets for a project...

Project: Buy a house
Step1: Decide what kind of house I want
Step 2: Decide the location I want to live in
Step 3: Contact a real estate agent
Step 4: Look at houses
Step 5: Put an offer on a house
Step 6: Close on the house
Step 7: Move in

But after doing this I realize that I forgot to add a step or a new step is identified, Step 5.5 Secure Financing for the Home. Right now I add it to the list and it shows at the bottom of the list and is out of order or out of sequence. I would like to be able to manually move the task up the list to the put it in the proper order (between step 5 and step 6) so that when I'm reviewing it I can do all the actions in the required sequence.

The only way to do it today that I"m aware of is to assign a deadline or a start date to each step. However, by reading GTD by David Allen he recommends not to assign dates to things that don't absolutely need dates. I follow that recommendation as much as I can so I'm reluctant to put dates to each action just so I can sort the project action items in sequential order.

It would be great to be able to manually sort the actions within a project just like you can for the Doit Now Actions on the Today screen.

Thank you.