Project: Buy a house
Step1: Decide what kind of house I want
Step 2: Decide the location I want to live in
Step 3: Contact a real estate agent
Step 4: Look at houses
Step 5: Put an offer on a house
Step 6: Close on the house
Step 7: Move in
But after doing this I realize that I forgot to add a step or a new step is identified, Step 5.5 Secure Financing for the Home. Right now I add it to the list and it shows at the bottom of the list and is out of order or out of sequence. I would like to be able to manually move the task up the list to the put it in the proper order (between step 5 and step 6) so that when I'm reviewing it I can do all the actions in the required sequence.
The only way to do it today that I"m aware of is to assign a deadline or a start date to each step. However, by reading GTD by David Allen he recommends not to assign dates to things that don't absolutely need dates. I follow that recommendation as much as I can so I'm reluctant to put dates to each action just so I can sort the project action items in sequential order.
It would be great to be able to manually sort the actions within a project just like you can for the Doit Now Actions on the Today screen.
Thank you.
09/07/2013 16:19#1
09/07/2013 17:25#2
09/08/2013 04:02#3
@Folke @paveldrach @hntopper
Hi guys,
Manually sorting has been in our development plan and we are now designing for it and believe that it will be soon supported. Please be patient.
If you have more questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thanks for your feedback and support. -
09/08/2013 07:00#5
09/08/2013 09:41#6
@michelle1987 That's excellent. This request, along with this one - http://help.doit.im/topics/1479 are the only things stopping me from porting everything over to doit.
Also want to say it's great to see the level of interaction from the developers on these posts.
I'll keep an eye open for these features being implemented then I'll be moving over. I think your iPhone app is great. -
09/09/2013 02:33#7
Thanks for your great support.
We are now striving for an all-new app and believe that it won't disappoint you. :)
If you have any idea about Doit.im, please feel free to let us know.