Do you mean that you want to directly complete an event on Google Cal and then the change can be synced to Doit.im?
We support it, and now if you complete/archive tasks (including tasks synced from Google Cal) in Doit.im, there will be a "√" checkmark in front of then on Google Cal. You may have a try now.
If you have more questions about it, please keep in touch.
Thank you for your great support.
--> It do not work for me!
In addition, i would like to checkmark within google cal directly - without opening doit.im
09/10/2013 10:18#1
09/10/2013 11:02#3
1. Exactly!
2. And your checkmark solution dont work form me! I cant see checkmarks in doit.im -
09/10/2013 11:12#4
I mean, I cant see checkmarks in google Cal, if completed.
Could you also add a functionality that the task is after completed striketrough the task?
So a option that i can select in the preferences between checkmark and striketrough?
Because your checkmark solution is not identifieable at the first moment when i am looking at the tasks.
09/11/2013 10:23#5
We hope that you could use Doit.im to manage tasks. If convenient, may I know the reason why you want to complete a task on Google Cal instead of on Doit.im?
Complete a task on Google Cal? It is a feature provided by Google Cal, not by us.
The "√" checkmark in front of a task on Google Cal is synced from Doit.im. If in the future, Google Cal supports completing tasks, and opens the port, then we will realize what you want.
Q: I mean, I cant see checkmarks in google Cal, if completed.
A: What does it mean?
Q: So a option that i can select in the preferences between checkmark and striketrough?
A: We will consider it. Now in Doit.im, the "√" checkmark is used to mark completed tasks.
Thanks for your support and feedback. -
09/11/2013 15:03#6
We hope that you could use Doit.im to manage tasks. If convenient, may I know the reason why you want to complete a task on Google Cal instead of on Doit.im?
1. Because it is not possible with Doit.im to order the tasks by time. Thats resulting that I cant manage my tasks by time ordering.
2. When I open google, which synced with other functionalities (search ect). It is easier to use google cal and check mark the tasks there.
Complete a task on Google Cal? It is a feature provided by Google Cal, not by us.
---> Other task managing tools are providing that! e.g. Gqueues
Q1:The "√" checkmark in front of a task on Google Cal is synced from Doit.im.
Q2: I mean, I cant see checkmarks in google Cal, if completed.
---> I cant see "√" in google cal, when synced with foit.im
09/12/2013 10:08#7
1. Because it is not possible with Doit.im to order the tasks by time. Thats resulting that I cant manage my tasks by time ordering.
2. When I open google, which synced with other functionalities (search ect). It is easier to use google cal and check mark the tasks there.
You may add tasks on Google Cal and complete them in Doit.im. In the future, we will introduce a better calendar and believe it won't disappoint you. :)
Other task managing tools are providing that! e.g. Gqueues
Where did you complete the task? Directly on Google Cal or on Google Cal in Gqueues?
We tested it. Here are the steps:
1. Set "Sync from Google Cal to Gqueues" in Gqueues. Then, we saw Google Cal in Gqueues.
2. Complete a task on Google Cal in Gqueues and the "Completed status would be synced to Google Cal with a "√" checkmark in front of the task by default.
Could you please give us some related screenshots to let us know how to complete a task directly on Google Cal? Is there any button or some other operations on Google Cal that can complete a task but we missed? Then, we will do some research on it.
I cant see "√" in google cal, when synced with foit.im
All your completed tasks didn't have "√", or just some of them? We feel so sorry for it. If convenient, could you please give us the title of the task that had the issue you reported.
Thanks for your feedback and support.
09/12/2013 23:36#8
You may add tasks on Google Cal and complete them in Doit.im.
A1) It is only a suggestion. Would be nice!
A2) For me is the point of directly checkmarking "√" the tasks within google cal more important. Easier to use in some cases.
In the future, we will introduce a better calendar and believe it won't disappoint you. :)
A1) Does it mean, that you will provide a kind of a ordering solution? Or exactly that solution what I ment?
My suggestion is a very simple one: Please provide a ordering function by start time, by name, by prio ect...That improves the whole usability of your app.
Where did you complete the task? Directly on Google Cal or on Google Cal in Gqueues?
A1) They have developed a gadget for this: http://www.gqueues.com/help/gadget
So you can complete the tasks directly in google CAL - Checkmark and uncheck the taks with: "√"
All your completed tasks didn't have "√", or just some of them? We feel so sorry for it. If convenient, could you please give us the title of the task that had the issue you reported
A1) All my completed tasks didn't have "√" !!
09/13/2013 09:05#9
Q: You may add tasks on Google Cal and complete them in Doit.im.
A1) It is only a suggestion. Would be nice!
A2) For me is the point of directly checkmarking "√" the tasks within google cal more important. Easier to use in some cases.
In the future, we will introduce a better calendar and believe it won't disappoint you. :)
A1) Does it mean, that you will provide a kind of a ordering solution? Or exactly that solution what I ment?
My suggestion is a very simple one: Please provide a ordering function by start time, by name, by prio ect...That improves the whole usability of your app.
A(Doit.im): We will support manually sorting later and also improve the sorting rule in the scheduled list, making it sorted by start time.
Q: Where did you complete the task? Directly on Google Cal or on Google Cal in Gqueues?
A1) They have developed a gadget for this: http://www.gqueues.com/help/gadget
So you can complete the tasks directly in google CAL - Checkmark and uncheck the taks with: "√"
A(Doit.im): We will consider it. And now you manage your tasks on Google Cal, so you need to complete tasks directly on Google Cal. If in the future, we introduce a better Doit.im calendar, then you can manage your tasks in Doit.im. I mean, if the Doit.im calendar satisfies you, is there no need to complete tasks on Google Cal?
Q: All your completed tasks didn't have "√", or just some of them? We feel so sorry for it. If convenient, could you please give us the title of the task that had the issue you reported
A1) All my completed tasks didn't have "√" !!
A(Doit.im): We found that you checked the checkbox of "Delete the event that appears on Google Cal but has been marked as "Completed" in Doit.im." in Doit.im preferences - Account Info. Please uncheck it and then there will be a "√" checkmark in front of the task on Google Cal if you complete it in Doit.im.
Thanks for your feedback and support, -
09/13/2013 10:14#10
A(Doit.im): We found that you checked the checkbox of "Delete the event that appears on Google Cal but has been marked as "Completed" in Doit.im." in Doit.im preferences - Account Info. Please uncheck it and then there will be a "√" checkmark in front of the task on Google Cal if you complete it in Doit.im.
A1) Okay, works! Thanks!
But "√" ist not that visible for me! I have to concentrait on the tasks you differentiate betweend "√" checkmkared tasks and non-marked tasks! It is not that useful.
My suggestion to make it very easy to differentiate and cleaer:
- Use strike out a task to mark it as completed!
- Use another colours for completed tasks as an extention to "√"!
This both suggestion will make it easier to use. Please consider! -
09/14/2013 12:11#12
We've made a record of your suggestion and will seriously consider it in the future. And now, to keep consistent between completed tasks on Doit.im and those on Google Cal, we use "√" checkmarks to represent completed tasks.
If you have any other ideas, please restart a new ticket.
Thanks for your feedback and support.