Here is our MoneyBookers information.
User Account: 37000331
After you successfully send the payment to us, please give us the swift number and your username. Then when we confirm it, we can manually renew my Pro version.
PS: Monthly payment: $2 per month; Annual payment: $20 per year.
Thank you for your support.
I am a PRO user and my account expired almost a week ago.
I want to renew now but I need to know the email address you use for your MoneyBookers account. I am located in Lebanon, and this is the only possible way for me to pay this service (in fact this is how I upgrade to pro, but I forgot the email I sent the payment to).
Here's my username: wassim
I will be renewing for 3 months, so I will pay $6 on MoneyBookers to the account you send and will send you a note when I'm done.
Best regards,
04/16/2013 08:13#3
04/16/2013 08:19#4
thanks for your response.
They are asking me about "Recipient's name" in MoneyBookers.
What should I put in this field? Snow Orange? or something else? please let me know.
Best regards,
Wassim -
04/16/2013 09:23#7
@wassim Please input "" in "Recipient's name" field.
04/16/2013 09:30#8
Hi, when I do this it's saying: "Please enter a valid: Name". Do you have any clue? Please check the attached image.
Best regards,
Wassim -
04/16/2013 09:38#9
@wendy_only 用户说不行
04/16/2013 09:44#11
@wassim Please input "SNOWORANGE.COM INC" to have a try,
04/16/2013 09:58#12
This is a private comment.
04/16/2013 10:04#14
@wassim We have added three months Pro to your account. Please check your account information now.
04/16/2013 10:15#15
@michelle1987 Thanks a lot! You're so quick. I just checked and can see the that my account went PRO for three additional months! Highly recommended service!
04/16/2013 10:17#16
@wassim You're more than welcome.
If you have further problems, please feel free to contact us.