I'd like to thank you for a subtask feature. It really helps when I need to add several steps to a task that does not deserve to be projects.
But now the only way to check if task has subtasks attached is to open "View task" page. This is not convenient for me, because in Today, Next, etc views there is no way to quickly find out are there subtasks attached to the task or not. I got to open every task that I'd like to complete to check for subtasks and this is very slow.
Can you add some icon to show that the task has subtasks? (As you did with description: the small paper sheet icon is shown in the bottom right corner, right next to task title. And when I view Today list, I see what tasks have descriptions and what do not)
Another way is maybe to add plus icon before the task text if the task has subtasks. Then pressing the +, task will be expanded with subtasks (like folder in Windows explorer) where I can check completed subtasks.
Best regards, Max Beresnev.
At the picture attached you can see that two tasks have description (by icons, next to them), but you can not guess what tasks have subtasks. And there is an example showing how expand ed subtasks may look like.
04/16/2013 20:21#1
04/17/2013 02:17#2
We are trying to redesign the app and will take your suggestion into consideration.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
04/23/2013 14:16#3
05/09/2013 09:12#5
Another idea that came to me when I adding using subtasks is that it would be wonderful to have an ability to reorder them. In this way, users can sort of prioritize them, since the actual order of doing them may change during time.
05/09/2013 10:12#6
It has been in our development plan. :)
Thank you for your feedback. -
05/09/2013 17:38#7
+4 on all of the above.
05/10/2013 03:38#8
@Dan_public We are now making a better design for subtask. Please be patient.
Thank you for your support.