Do you want to apply for a refund? But I am afraid that you do not meet the refund conditions now.
Here is it:
"c. Within 30 days of purchasing a Doit.im Pro, if you dislike it, or want to cancel it, or for some other reasons, we will give you a full refund. Only the Pro user who purchases a yearly subscription is allowed to apply for a refund, and once the money is refunded to you, you will no longer request a refund from the same Doit.im account. However, purchases by monthly or made through App Store & Google Play can not be refunded. If you would like to apply for a refund, please contact our support team at vip@snoworange.com and we will help you to finish the refund procedure. "
If convenient, may I know the reason why you want to cancel your pro account? Is there anything unsatisfying you? If there is, please feel free to let us know. We will consider improving it.
Thanks for your feedback.
09/26/2013 03:16#3
09/26/2013 17:23#4
I am currently is a pro user with a yearly subscription. As my yearly subscription will renew at the beginning of Oct, i want to terminate the auto renew process, please kindly tell me how to do so.
As i seldom use the doit.im service quite a while, thats why i cancel it. Many thanks. -
09/27/2013 01:35#5
If you don't renew when your Doit.im Pro account expires, it will be reverted to a free account automatically then. There is nothing that you need to do.
And if you want to apply for a refund, I am so sorry, just as I said before, you do not meet the refund conditions now.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything else that we can help with.
Thanks for your feedback and support. -
09/27/2013 04:42#6
Noted and thanks. I would like to clarify that you will terminate my auto renew of the doit,im pro when it expires. Many thanks. -
09/27/2013 06:43#7
You're more than welcome.
If you have further questions, please get in touch. :)