I agree with you.
The whole idea of mutually exclusive contexts (only one context) is from the basic version of GTD that you can even do on paper. You can then split your Next list across several separate sheets of paper, one for each context. That's smart - if you use paper.
Since then, people have discovered that there are also other kinds of "contexts" or "task characteristics/requirements" that would also be handy to encode when you are using a computer, so tags were invented for this. If you ask me, there is no need for Doit (or any app) to distinguish between contexts and tags - it is just confusing; they are all characteristics of the task and of the situation. They could all be called the same thing, and should:
- be visible for each task on the list you are currently looking at (e.g. Next)
- be visible in the quick filter bar above the list
And they could also be available in the left menu, like now, to see all tasks with that tag across all lists. This is not equally necessary, but sometimes a bit quicker than other ways to find certain tasks.
I see no need for Doit (or any app) to enforce mutual exclusivity - if someone wants to apply overlapping tags (contexts) they probably have a good reason for it. It is more important to reduce the complexity of the app, and merge both of them into one rock solid and useful feature. And if they would include color coding of tags (contexts) and Boolean quick filtering via the top bar (e.g be able to also exclude certain tasks), then Doit would be way ahead of all the rest.
For example, I'd certainly like to tag some projects as work, some as home.
But I can't tag projects, only tasks.
Yet I can assign a context to a project, as well as a task. This seems bizarre. A project is a collection of tasks, a context is somewhere you do a task. Why would a project have a context ?
I have seen people asking in the forum about assigning multiple contexts to a tasks. You've responded (understandably) that this is not what GTD intends by a context. I agree.
But I would very much like to see "nested" contexts. So @Work could include @Computer and @phone. Then I could say "show me all @Work tasks" or I could be more specific and say "show me all @phone tasks".
Finally, the UI seems a bit inconsistent. I can drag a project to a goal but not to a context. Why one and not the other ?
There also seem to be
10/01/2013 00:54#1
10/06/2013 11:51#3
Do you mean that you want to have hierarchy contexts?
What's Context in Doit.im?
Everything is done in a special place or under a certain circumstance, and that PLACE or CIRCUMSTANCE is called Context in our app. So you can add tasks with certain contexts and view the tasks with the same context together. For example, when you're at home, you just want to see tasks to do at home, so you just click "Home" context and can be focused on these tasks.
In your case, I think you need a feature called Area to manage your tasks for work and for Private,or may be others. Every area is independent and all have the same features like what Doit.im now. Area has been in developing plan. We will try our best to make it ASAP.
Thank you for sharing your ideas. We will try our best to offer the features what you need helping you manage your life and also make it simple to use.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team