Thanks for your suggestion.
We will conside about it seriously.
By the way,in my opinion,it is really convenience if search global by default
May be we should add a setting in preferences:-)
10/01/2013 13:44#2
11/01/2013 16:24#3
Thank you for understanding
01/13/2014 23:11#5
I hope my post isn't redundant at this point, but I would like to second this suggestion. Before I found this very post, I didn't even *know* there was a global search. It really should be the default, as it makes much more sense. An option to choose between the two defaults in the settings would, of course, be even better.
01/15/2014 08:05#6
We are going to make the global search as default. About the option in settings, we will consider it seriously.
Thank you for your feedback.
Best regards,
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