I really enjoy using your product on the web and Android. There is one thing that continues to bug me when editing tasks on the web, which I've put off giving feedback for.

When editing descriptions of tasks on the web (Chrome), I find the four lines too cramped. I know that there is a button on the right to maximize the view, which is helpful, but not very efficient when it adds more time and clicks to open and close. It currently shows me five lines; a few extra lines at least by default would give some helpful breathing room. I use the Android app and perceive it to feel more open since the description field is not squished. If you didn't want to push the other fields farther down the screen, perhaps the description could be placed after all of the other fields.

Actually, what would be even better is to form two columns of fields, with a large description field on the right and all of the others on the left. There is a lot of room on my screen that is not taken advantage of when that little edit box pops up.

I, personally, have no use for the comments field and would much rather have the description show up there while viewing a task.

In any case, you all have a nice, stable product that has run seamlessly for me. Thank you for your efforts!