@PascalZ - no; are you sure? At least in my web app and iPhone app the deadline always seems to remain intact.
But in the opposite direction there is the slight problem that when the Waiting task's deadline date arrives it is removed from Waiting - even though you are still waiting for the task to be completed by someone ...
So my request is to leave the dealine and alarm function available for the 'Waiting for' tasks. In that way I don't need to review all 'waiting for' tasks so many times.
Thanks in advance,
10/23/2013 15:22#1
10/24/2013 06:52#3
I did another test today, and found that the behaviour is correct as you stated. Not sure what went wrong yesterday.
Pascal. -
10/24/2013 08:21#4
@PascalZ @Folke
Thank you for your feedback!
Deadline will not be removed when it is sent to your contacts.
In the new version, we will let the tasks automatically go to Today and Tomorrow when it is due.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
10/24/2013 12:19#5
In the new version, will starred actions (Today) also remain in their "true" list, as they should? In other words, in Next, Waiting, Someday and Scheduled, will we be able to see those actions that we have starred? Or will they continue to be "hidden" (which is very unpractical) just like it is done today?
For example, a Waiting For action is for someone else to do, not for me. Even if I star it for my own "attention" (visible in Today), I am still waiting for someone else to complete the task, so it still belongs in Waiting. The same is true for Next list (the "possible now" list) - it remains fully possible to do the task even if I star it, so it truly still belongs in Next ("possible now"). Whenever I look at one of those GTD lists, I should be able to see the complete list of tasks of that kind, including those that have stars and lightnings. In other words, the Today list should not be treated as a separate list; it should be just an alternative "view". -
10/25/2013 02:18#6
Now when the deadline is today,the task in Next will go to Today automatically. For tasks sent to others who are in Waiting this rule does not work now.
Do you mean that it should stay where it is no matter what the deadline is unless you manually set the start time to today? -
10/25/2013 03:10#7
The fundamental lists in GTD are:
- Waiting For: Someone else will do this (I just depend on the result)
- Next: I will do this myself, and it is possible to do anytime from now on
- Someday/Maybe: not sure if I will ever do this
"Scheduled" is not a GTD term, but what does exist in GTD is:
- Calendar actions: used very restrictively, mainly for appointments etc
- Tickler items: Earliest possible date to even consider doing this. When the tickler date arrives, you decide what to do with it (Next, Waiting, Someday, Trash or Reference).
In GTD there is no "Today" either. You normally work straight off the Next list. But GTD does offer the "white index card", a short tentative excerpt of possible actions that you may want to keep extra handy today for further consideration. I think this is how Doit's Today view should work.
In other words, what I suggest for Doit is that no dates of any kind (scheduled, deadline, reminder) will ever remove a task from its true list (Next, Waiting, Someday) - it should always stay on that list, BUT that these dates will "light the star" and make the task appear on the Today list ALSO (i.e. visible on both lists). -
10/28/2013 07:54#8
When it is the deadline date,the tasks will go to Today. But the task in Today is just something like a reminder telling you that there is a task that you need take attention to as it should be done today by yourself or other people.And these tasks should also be showed in where they are now,e.g. Waiting. I am not sure whether I understand. Do you mean this?
10/28/2013 13:32#9
Yes, I believe you are beginning to see what I mean :-)
I have the impression that many users, especially GTD users, are confused by Doit's way of employing the star as a "move to list" feature. Personally I had trouble understanding it, too, but am gradually beginning to learn how to work around it. But I think it would be wise for you to simply change it - make it both more "normal" and more GTD.
The three fundamental categories in GTD are Next, Waiting and Someday. Today does not "exist" as a separate category. It is a valuable added convenience that lets you see whatever you want to keep handy today in one simple view, but it should not take away the task's fundamental "citizenship" (Next, Waiting or Someday). That "citizenship" should always be retained:
- when you view the original list (Next, Waiting, Someday) the starred tasks should still be visible there (with a yellow star).
- when you view the starred list (Today) you should be able to see which original list each task is "really" on (using an icon? color? design?).
- if you remove the star the task should stay on its original list.
The way Doit works now is that if you star a Waiting or Someday task and then unstar it will end up on the Next list. This is usually far from what you intended. These stars (for Waiting and Someday) are usually just a convenient shortcut for an unwritten Next action, such as
- starred Waiting: "consider giving them a call to tell them to hurry up"
- starred Someday: "consider feasibility of splitting or redefining this task somehow in order to make at least part of it actionable".
As for starred Next actions, it is both convenient and GTD correct to still have these on the Next list. They are, in fact, still Next actions (to be done my me, possible now, no hesitation); this is why it is the most GTD correct approach to still show them in Next. The practical convenience of still having them there is that when you look for additional tasks to do during the day you can more easily see and compare and match the most suitable additional tasks; and if you perform a complete review of the Next list after you already starred some tasks, the list is still correct and complete.
Scheduled actions deserve a quick mention here, too, because these also involve the star. Most of the "scheduled" actions will become GTD Next actions (possible to do now; will be done by me; no hesitation), and it is very good that they show up starred, because this makes them easy to see and re-review. In many cases, if you use GTD, you typically unstar these after you have reviewed them, because they are not hard scheduled appointments that are firmly booked for today; they are just tasks that have reached their "earliest possible date" (or the beginning of a time window). In GTD these are called ticklers. On the tickle date you decide whether they should go in Next, Waiting, Someday, Trash or Reference (just like an inbox item). It would be convenient if Doit would allow ticklers to be predestined for other lists than Next/Today - for example set up a repeating Waiting action to "receive monthly report from department X; this would then show up in Waiting/Today.
Basically, I think Doit is very good already. I have chosen to use Doit, even though I have examined many good alternative apps. As a user you can never get quite what you want, and must always be prepared to find workarounds. With these suggestions I am only trying to help - I hope that I am not making you confused. -
10/29/2013 09:36#10
Thank you for your explain. We will consider it seriously.
There is a question: If we make the way you want it to be,when you complete or edit the task in Today,the task in Waiting should also be update, right? -
11/27/2013 13:02#11
Yes, this is correct. They should show up on both lists (waiting for and today) and when completed the action should be removed from both lists.
I agree with Folke, if you have something on the waiting for list, it should stay there all the time. If it has a due date and you want to have it pop up on the Today list as a reminder, I think that's great, just don't have it removed from waiting for. Have it appear in both places.
Thank you for your consideration. -
11/27/2013 13:42#12
Sorry, I had missed your question Oct 29. And yes, @hntopper is right.
It is only ONE task, which "lives" in Waiting (the "home" list), but is also SHOWN on the Today list if it is starred. It is not a clone. If I edit or delete it or complete it etc it in either of the views, the changes should apply everywhere. If I turn on the star, it will show on both lists (both the "home" list and Today); if I turn the star off it will only show on its "home" list (Waiting)
The way I see it, nothing at all should ever "live" in Today. Every task must have a "home" somewhere else. The Today list (starred) is only a very convenient way to show selected tasks on one single page. But the tasks must still be fully visible in their "home".
11/28/2013 04:03#13
@hntopper @Folke
"The way I see it, nothing at all should ever "live" in Today. Every task must have a "home" somewhere else. The Today list (starred) is only a very convenient way to show selected tasks on one single page. But the tasks must still be fully visible in their "home"."
This time I really understand what you need now. So it also does for the opinion of this feedback( http://help.doit.im/topics/2157).
Thank you for your presentation. We will look into this issue further.