We are just planning to a nice seamless integration with evernote. :) Please be patient.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
The software is great, im considering using it across my company. It would be a lot better for us if we could attach files to tasks/projects though. or a nice seamless integration with dropbox or evernote. Any plans to roll out a feature like this?
04/20/2013 06:08#1
04/23/2013 10:23#2
Firstly, I just want to say that I love the app. Unlike many others I've tried it keeps things simple and the amount of configuration is minimal, which is how it should be!
With regards to Evernote integration, can I make a few suggestions?
I've noticed that many apps sync automatically via tags. I find this to be too prescriptive and a lot of work if you don't just use tags. Id suggest that being able to choose a master note or a notebook for projects could work well, but then again, not everyone uses that system! Being able to choose what you sync is probably best, whether that be a tag, a notebook or note.
Tags would probably work well for contexts, so that notes that are in effect their own task would not need adding as a task to doit.im. I guess in this case you might want some form of complete option that removes the tag in evernote at the same time....
The other issues I sees with tags for contexts is agendas. I struggle with keeping the hard edges here. There are two kinds of agenda items, those which are related to projects and / or are tasks and then there are those that are standalone things to discuss with someone. Often I will have a note with content that i need to discuss with someone, so i link that to my agenda master note (sometimes a master note just for them, sometimes a master note for everyone else). Sometimes a project generates an agenda item though and this is useful to track in the app, but it's not ideal having to copy the info to the note and then remember to check that off in the project. It's not the end of the world, but if you could find a separate way to integrate agendas from en, that would be ace!
The other issue with using tags for contexts and therefore agendas is that I have a specific agenda context for one or two people (i.e, friend1, friend2, @agendas). I courses this leading to seeing everything in en that I have tagged for that person, when I only want to see agenda items. Maybe using the prefix @ to differentiate contexts from tags in en that I don't want to sync could help.
Maybe for agenda items, when you add a task to agendas context, it could request a name and add it as a subtask to an agenda task for that name, which would be in sync with a note for that person in evernote?
I'm not entirely sure what's possible or what would work out cleanest, but hopefully you get what I'm highlighting as potential issues! I look forward to seeing what you do!
Thanks again for the awesome app! :)
04/23/2013 18:21#3
I am definitely looking forward to this as I am a heavy Dropbox and Evernote user. Any idea on when these integrations will may be available?
I would also be very interested in an integration with Box.com as well. -
04/24/2013 02:24#4
@charlienosmoke Thank you for sharing your idea with us. We will make a full accounting of it. :)
04/24/2013 02:30#5
@jsox78 We will try to make it realized it ASAP. And now, it is still at a groping stage. Please be patient. :)
Thank you for your feedback and support.