Sorry, we will look into it ASAP.
By the way, what is the timezone you set in Preferences? And which day does the week start on, Sunday or Monday?
also all tasks planned on 4-22th are not supposed to be in field This week
04/20/2013 05:47#1
04/22/2013 03:49#4
We have found the cause and will fix it ASAP.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
04/22/2013 08:49#5
Wow, that was quick, thanks. :)
04/22/2013 09:26#6
@velkyk We will let you know as soon as it is fixed.
04/26/2013 03:39#7
Sorry for my interruption.
Could you please let us know the timezone you set on your computer?
And will DST happen in your country? -
04/30/2013 06:28#8
Hi, sry for late response, I thought its solved... my bad.
My Timezone is Central European Time (UTC+01:00) and yes, we have DST -
04/30/2013 07:01#9
Also our week starts on Monday
04/30/2013 09:15#10
@velkyk If there is any further problem about it, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Thank you for your feedback and support.