Hi, I am loving your software, but still having some issues with tasks multi showing up in doit.im so need to clear up how to sort it all out. I think I realized it was doing the right thing, but need to think about the best way to move forward. I realized I was syncing tasks from google cal to doit, changing date/context etc. But then next time it synced the old task dates etc meant they were syncing all over again.

So this leads to my first question:
Is there any smart way to look for recurring tasks and a quick way to delete them on doit?

Secondly is, is the right workflow for me to use.
1. edit all tasks in google cal with time start etc, so they will initially sync into doit.im
2. removed all tasks from google calendar that i do not want to sync back to doit ever again
3. then only ever add tasks from within doit.im as this will mean i will not get cross over issues.
4. i will have one calendar which is called appointments and only add appts here, that way it will sync with doit and there should be no problem as anything to edit for appts i will do through google calendar.

Does this sounds correct to you?

Feature request/general thoughts:

i think what i would like to do is just use googlecal for appts/meetings only, it is better to view agenda/meetings for a day on in my opinion instead of doit right now in my opinion. Is the calendar going to improve so it has more just good straightforward calendar usage, like google cal, view agenda, week, just certain calendars, etc? I would really like to be able to view certain contexts on calendar only so i can quickly see if have a free time for a meeting etc.

Thansk for your time. lisa