Thank you for your feedback.
The version which will be released in this winter will be added 2 new features: Daily Review and Daily Plan. Because we do not have enough time,later we will also add weekly review,even month review. These features are different from which are on web version. Hope you will love it. Sorry that I can not tell you more details.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
As you know, the GTD Review first and foremost is a forward-looking review of your lists and plans, intended to make sure you have everything listed and organized in such a way that you can reach your goals. (And in addition to this forward-looking list review you can also do a backward-looking performance review. Doit has a special beta feature for some aspects of such performance reviewing.)
Doit already offers the capability to organize your projects under separate goals, which makes it easy for you to see whether the projects you have defined so far for each goal will be sufficient for reaching that goal. The announced additional capability to manually sequence the projects within the goal into an intuitive or chronological order will make the GTD review even easier.
In addition, if a visual indication (line etc) would be introduced within each goal, showing you which projects (above the line) are now active, and which projects (below the line) are inactive, it would be even easier to do the GTD review, and you could also easily ensure that no projects are allowed to clutter all your active task lists (Box lists) - and vice versa, that no projects that should be made active are left inactive.
The same goes for projects, where some tasks are already possible and relevant to do (or meaningful to start waiting for somebody else to do etc), and should be visible on the active task lists (Box lists), whereas others are simply too early to show on these lists yet (still inactive until some of the earlier tasks have been completed). A clear line to indicate which tasks are currently active and which ones are not, would make the review easier.
It is vital to GTD that your lists are correct, that your tasks and projects etc are all classified in the correct way such that you can find the right thing at the right time. Part of the purpose of the GTD review is to verify (double-check) that everything in your lists is correct. For the most part, this is quite easy in Doit.
Most task characteristics in Doit are in plain view. When looking at a list you can see easily which project and which main context a task belongs to. Doit has also announced a new feature where you can inspect the subtasks while still in the tasks list view. This sounds great.
One thing that is a bit difficult to double-check currently is the correctness of the additional contexts you have defined using the Tags feature. It would be handy to see the tags (additional contexts) directly on the lines of the task lists, to avoid having to open/edit each individual task to check. If you have a wide screen this is no problem, but for smaller screens and phones it might be best to have a separate "long mode" or "review mode" where the tags become visible directly on the task line.
If such a "long mode" or "review mode" (of each list) is introduced, then even other task parameters, such as repeat cycle etc etc could be displayed in a multi-line format straight in the task list to make the inspection faster and quicker.
The Weekly GTD Review is fundamental; you should never skip this. But you do not need to postpone everything until your next weekly review; if you can catch and correct errors in your lists even before that, then obviously you should.
Your capability to observe and catch errors is dependent on what kind of personality you are and on what kind of screen (width) you are using at the moment. Also, different lists are used differently - some lists are looked at mainly during the GTD reviews, whereas other are used very frequently mainly to select tasks to do and check them off. So maybe there could be some user preferences and defaults for how detailed the various lists should be on different devices.
For example, I assume that Scheduled is one of those lists that most people look at mainly for review purposes. Maybe that list should be more detailed by default, and show, for example, the repeat pattern, the next occurrence, deadline, tags etc for each task straight in the list, at least when using a regular computer screen. And similarly, the individual project lists are probably used mainly during the reviews, so a more detailed format could be used here as well, including a "Box" indicator and tags for each task.
For the frequently used lists, such as Next, Waiting and Today, it is perhaps extra important to be able to tailor the contents not only to the screen width, but also to the personality - some people feel overwhelmed by too much information, whereas others feel blindfolded without it. Task selection from the Next list is based very much on context (both the primary Context and on the additional contexts represented as Tags) and it would be the best default setting, I believe, to always show the Tags directly on each task line, at least when using a regular computer screen. This would not only facilitate ongoing review and error correction; it would also facilitate simple ocular task selection (if the tags are easy enough to read).
11/16/2013 08:08#2
11/16/2013 12:22#3
Yes, I agree that the word "plan" is a often better English word than "review". I do not know why David Allen chose to call it review - probably because you do the planning by reviewing your lists, but it is a very risky choice of words. By calling it review it can sound to the casual reader as if the purpose he had in mind was to look back and see how well you have done historically, whereas in fact the purpose is to look forward and make sure you are well prepared for the future.
Anyway, just to be clear, the features I suggested are not really for any special lists etc. I am simply talking about making the existing lists more detailed (depending on screen size):
There is still plenty of space available on a regular screen. It would be perfectly possible and very very useful to see more information straight on the task line to avoid having to open each task just to look, for example see the task's "tags" (additional "contexts"), the task's "box", the "goal" etc etc, and in the scheduled list to also see the repeat cycle, the next scheduled date, the next deadline etc for each task - without having to open any of the tasks in the list,
11/17/2013 13:16#4
About the word "plan",thank you for your suggestion.
About make it possible to see more information straight on the task line,our designer will consider it seriously.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team