Q1: Bulk edit: Theres no possibility to edit several tasks, i.e. in the inbox, and change their properties simultanously -- I'm thinking here about tagging them, or setting a shared deadline. Or to move them to some place with the keys, not with the mouse. (Web-Interface)
A: We will combine with interaction in the whole interface and seriously consider the feasibility of it. And as for moving them to some place with the keys, have you ever seen some other online products that has been realized it? If you have, please feel free to let us, we would like to do research on it.
Q2: Parallel/seqential projects: "Projects" right now seem to be just another form of tagging. There should be the possibility to automate the status of the tasks within the project: The first one is on "Next", the others on "someday". When the first one is completet, the next subtask of the project moves to "Next", and so on. Nirvana has this. There you can mark projects as being "parallel" (all on "next") or sequential.
This feature seems to me very important. Else my screen will be cluttered with tasks which cannot even be done because they depend on prior tasks within the project.
A: We will consider it.
Q3: Last problem: There's no efficient way to tag items outside of the "edit" field, which makes tagging cumbersome. (See above, "bulk edit")
A: We will improve it and find a much easier way to assign tags to an existing task.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Bulk edit: Theres no possibility to edit several tasks, i.e. in the inbox, and change their properties simultanously -- I'm thinking here about tagging them, or setting a shared deadline. Or to move them to some place with the keys, not with the mouse. (Web-Interface)
Parallel/seqential projects: "Projects" right now seem to be just another form of tagging. There should be the possibility to automate the status of the tasks within the project: The first one is on "Next", the others on "someday". When the first one is completet, the next subtask of the project moves to "Next", and so on. Nirvana has this. There you can mark projects as being "parallel" (all on "next") or sequential.
This feature seems to me very important. Else my screen will be cluttered with tasks which cannot even be done because they depend on prior tasks within the project.
Last problem: There's no efficient way to tag items outside of the "edit" field, which makes tagging cumbersome. (See above, "bulk edit")
Ah yes, and it would be COOL to have the android app catch missed phone calls automatically and convert them into reminders...
Are there any plans on these features? I miss especially the sequential logic for projects. If I know it will be installed one time, I'd feel better to turn to doit.im.
But apart from that: Good work, keep on doing it!
J. Volbers
04/22/2013 03:46#1
04/22/2013 08:09#3
Thanks for the encouraging answers!
As to moving tasks to places with the keys: I would not think it is too difficult. We would just need a way to mark with the keys (as we can right now mark with the mouse). Then pressing something like "m n" to move to "next", "m t" to move to tomorrow, etc. But you are the experts. In GMail, you can mark an item by pressing "x".
As to bulk edit: I found that in the "next"-view, one can quickly select those which move automatically to inbox (the lightning symbol on the very right). Why not just give the user the possibility to choose what action will be made by clicking on the lightning symbol? In the web interface, there's still plenty of space above the list, on the right side, just above the lightining symbols. There could be a dropdown menu, with a sensible default and the possibility to choose another "blitz" action. The default could be, i.e., "move to today", but I could select something else, i.e., "tag with....", or "move to context...." Then clicking the lighting symbol would file the task away. Fast, efficient, and using an interface already installed. See the JPEG attached.
Well, enough suggestions. I found the "lightning edit" in the android app, and this is good enough for now.
Jörg Volbers
04/22/2013 10:20#4
We'll make sure the development team gets this for review.
Thank you for your support.