Thank you for your feedback!
You can add subtask on task view page. Click on the task title on the task list and you can go to the task view page which you can post comments.
After you upgraded,please refresh your website to have a check. If you still can not add,please make a screen shot of your task view page and send it to me by private comments.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
Cannot add sub task.....I've upgraded to pro today. Why??
Cannot add sub task....There is no such option available at all....I've upgraded to pro today. Why??
11/22/2013 08:56#2
11/22/2013 16:06#3
This is a private comment.
11/24/2013 13:33#4
This is a private comment.