Thank you for your feedback!
For free account,you can manually sync once every 24 hours. And you can not use Pro features.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
How do I get my iPhone app working normally without the Pro features?
11/24/2013 13:42#2
11/25/2013 22:50#3
1. What does manually sync mean?
2. I wish that your service had been more transparent about iPhone functionality being limited for non-Pro users. I would not have invested my time getting up to speed on this platform if I knew that iPhone syncing would go away. You need to make this clearer for your users. -
11/26/2013 03:02#4
Q:1. What does manually sync mean?
A:For Pro users,it will automatically sync when you open the app. For free users,you can touch the syncing button to sync every 24h. It means that if you complete syncing when it is 9 am today,then the next time you can sync will be 9 am tomorrow.
Q:2. I wish that your service had been more transparent about iPhone functionality being limited for non-Pro users. I would not have invested my time getting up to speed on this platform if I knew that iPhone syncing would go away. You need to make this clearer for your users.
A: Do you have any ideas about how to make it to be more transparent?