If the task has been completed,it should not remind you.
Could you please tell me the title of the task which has the problem?
Where did you receive the reminder?
If you complete it on web,you need sync this information to your mobile. Please make sure that you have completed syncing.
For example:
Task planned for: 05.12.13.
I brought the task done before at 03.12.13. --> Check mark is set in google.
So the reminder will still remind me at 05.12.13 whether the task is done!
Please FIX!
12/03/2013 04:07#2
12/03/2013 07:52#3
Reminder functionality is set by default in google Cal. Because it not possible to set default reminder in doit.
In addition setting up manually reminder in doit doesnt overwrite the default reminder in google cal. So every time the default reminder is used for every task from doit.
This is for me okay until this point...Because doit doesnt provide "default reminders" which applys by default.
Evey task will remind me.... all checked task completed has remind me in the past! So choose one of them!
The reminder takes action in google cal!
KR -
12/03/2013 09:37#4
Do you mean that when you complete the task in Doit.im,you will still get the reminder in GCal?
The reminder you set in GCal will not be synced to Doit.im. If you not choose the option to delete the events when you complete the task in Doit.im,the events will be showed in GCal. When time is on,it will remind you as we will not make the reminder in GCal disabled. -
12/03/2013 09:49#5
Do you mean that when you complete the task in Doit.im,you will still get the reminder in GCal?
--> Yes
The problem ist, i cant set standard default reminder.
e.g.: 15 min, 1 Hour and 1 day!
That ist not possible in Doit.
I wont be set every time new reminders, I need only a few standard default reminders!
In addition:
The reminders set in Doit will not overtake, overwrite or take action in Gcal!
So I have to set reminders in GCal!
Please Fix....
KR -
12/03/2013 10:12#6
Do you want us to disable the remind on GCal events when you complete the tasks in Doit.im? -
12/03/2013 10:27#7
But only for the affected task! Not for all tasks which are not completed!
12/03/2013 11:15#8
Got it. We will make a research on this. -
12/03/2013 11:54#9
12/04/2013 07:58#10
You are more welcome. :)