Your other post (http://help.doit.im/topics/2219) contains pretty much the same suggestions, so I am answering here only.
As for manual sorting, Doit have said this will be in the the new release just before Christmas :-)
As for "focus", it seems you are talking about what Doit calls "boxes". The necessity to keep future (subsequent; "inactive") tasks out of "focus"/"boxes" - keep them visible only in the project view for each project - has been discussed extensively here on the forum. I believe the issue is well understood by the Doit team, but no indication has been given as to when a solution will be implemented.
The new Christmas release will definitely not contain a solution to this - only a selector for whether you want to see just one single task or want to see all tasks from the projects - but disregarding which of the tasks actually belong there, so the issue will remain unsolved for at least some time. I think we all agree that this is very important and requires a proper solution.
I would tend to mildly disagree with most of the use cases you mention, though. Of course you are free to use Doit as you want, e.g. for website bookmarks or whatever, but you cannot reasonably expect a task manager app like Doit to cater for all those sorts of things - there are many other apps for storing general information. And to some extent you can already use Doit for these things - for example, you can put website links or Evernote links into the comments of tasks, or you can mark entire projects as inactive, which will hide the from "focus"/"boxes". Those features could probably serve as workarounds to some of your general requirements for being able to store reference information.
But as soon as a proper solution for "inactive" (subsequent; dependent) tasks is implemented you will probably be able to use that for your special needs as well.
One solution would be to let me add my own custom focuses. But still, I hate having to choose a focus for each new task. Like Omnifocus, Id rather add a focus if I choose to and leave others as neutral. Cuz I don't just use this app for work stuff, but also for ideas and thoughts, things I want to remember, website URLS I wanna track for certain classes I teach, etc, and I don't want those types of things to be under any focus. They should just be in the project I assign them to and that's it. Otherwise, my next and someday list is just waaay overpopulated.
12/04/2013 11:21#2
12/04/2013 11:24#3
Thank you for your feedback!
There are inactive projects and active projects. Tasks under inactive projects will only be showed in project view. So if you do not want see the tasks always in Next and Someday,you can set the tasks with an inactive project. When you need to see them,activate the projects.
What are Active Projects and Inactive Projects?
Can I activate an Inactive Project?
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
12/04/2013 12:25#4
What is the current development status as regards inactive tasks (dependent, subsequent tasks) within active projects? -
12/05/2013 08:46#5
Now we are busy working on the next release version which will not include this feature. It will be in the later one.