You can use both of them on your phone. You can install the new ios7 version and log in to make sure the data safety. Then make your choice by yourself.
In fact,your data will not be gone. Please log in on web version ( https://i.doit.im ) to have a check if all tasks are there. Your tasks will not be gone if you have sync them to our server even when you uninstall the Doit.im app on your phone. When you re-log in on app, the data will be download from the server with your account.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
What is the best process to upgrade to new iPhone ios7 from the older version
I have the previous version for iPhone. Shall I install the new ios7 version and then delete the old one? What is the best process to update the app without losing data?
12/23/2013 16:52#1