Thank you for your feedback!
Now you can perform the tasks in Daily review on Mac version. Click the link below to know more:
We have the plan to support it on all versions.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support! Merry Christmas. : )
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
This todo list manager is awesome. But I really miss one thing: possibility for daily task not to be automatically moved to the next day. There is a kind of task that should not be moved to the next day even if they are not done. For example: if you have a scheduled exercises to be performed every day - there is no point (and way) to perform them tomorrow.
Best Regards
This todo list manager is awesome. But I really miss one thing: possibility for daily task not to be automatically moved to the next day. There is a kind of task that should not be moved to the next day even if they are not done. For example: if you have a scheduled exercises to be performed every day - there is no point (and way) to perform them tomorrow.
Best Regards
12/25/2013 08:39#1
12/27/2013 00:18#2
It should not be necessary to move it. It should just stay on the Today list. It should never have got a scheduled date in the first place if all you did was star it.
And if you did in fact schedule it for today, then you will probably have to renegotiate the date with someone. Tomorrow may not be acceptable to the other person. The regular rescheduling features will be sufficient.
When will Doit begin to seriously consider supporting the mindset of GTD?