Thank you for your feedback!
We will check this issue. Could you please tell me the task title so we can have a check?
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support! Merry Christmas. : )
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
Most of my repeating tasks are daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. I have not seen anything strange with these so far, but perhaps those that repeat every 3 months etc will suffer from the same problem.
12/27/2013 10:23#2
12/27/2013 10:32#5
This is a private comment.
12/29/2013 13:19#6
New clue:
I just got a second clone on the iPhone of this task that is set to repeat every 5 weeks.
It would appear that the iPhone correctly recognizes the repeat unit (weekly) but ignores the quantity (5) and assumes a quantity of one unit (1 week) -
12/29/2013 17:03#7
Thank you for your information.
We will check this issue and try our best to fix it ASAP.
Sorry for any inconvenience brought to you. -
12/30/2013 08:28#8
I just discovered a similar but opposite problem in the WEB APP.
Two tasks that were set to repeat "Monthly on the last but one day" do not show up anymore in the web app, but they both show up in the iPhone app. -
12/31/2013 07:50#9
Q: I have one task that repeats every 5 weeks. It is due to show up again only on January 12 but showed up immediately in the new iPhone app.
A: We have found the cause and fixed it. But you need wait for the next release. I am sorry for this problem.
Q: Two tasks that were set to repeat "Monthly on the last but one day" do not show up anymore in the web app, but they both show up in the iPhone app.
A: Please tell me the task title so we can have a check.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
12/31/2013 13:59#10
This is a private comment.
01/02/2014 07:39#12
Could you please Global search this task to check if you can find it?
Do you mean that you can not see it in Scheduled or in Today on web app? Where do you see it on iPhone app? -
01/02/2014 09:18#13
Oh sorry, I checked it off after I had done it. Now I only have the "mother task" in Scheduled active.
In the web app, when doing a Global search, I can see the November clone under Archived, but there is no trace of the December clone anywhere (not even when I check under Completed or Trash),
In the iPhone app, however, I have the task listed as Completed at 01.56 on the 31st..
Initially, when the problem came up, it was perfectly visible in the iPhone (Today screen) but not in the web app (Today screen).
But it did turn up eventually in the web app, too, I think, but only a couple of days later - unfortunately I cannot remember if it was on Dec 31 or Jan 1, probably on Dec 31. (I had already done the task on the 30th and probably checked it off from the phone.)
I guess I will have to wait until end of January and see if it happens again. Please let me know if there is anything I should do to prepare.
01/02/2014 09:47#14
Do you refresh your website when the time come from yesterday to today?
If you make the computer sleep and leave the browser open,when you start your computer you will not see the repeat task showed in Today before you refresh your website.
If the problem happen again,please make a screen short of the Today list both of your iPhone app and web app.
Thank you for your support! Happy New Year. : )
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
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01/02/2014 12:27#15
Yes, I always refresh the browser page - several times a day, as I know it does not sync automatically ;-)
Happy New Year -
01/16/2014 09:36#16
We have released Doit.im for iPhone v4.0.1. About the bug on iPhone,please update to the latest version to have a try.
01/16/2014 09:43#17
Got it :-)
I will notice on Sunday if the task repeats correctly.