I'm still having issues with sorting throughout the entire system... being able to group by project or context is one thing, but having the ability to manual sort the content of those groups would help too > sort by priority, alphabetically, etc
For example, if you drag a new task to Next, and have it grouped in some order (e.g. deadline or context), then the new tasks now will be auto-sorted to some random position within its group.
What I would prefer is that all automatic placement within groups be based on VISIBLE parameters only, such as Priority - never on invisible parameters such as last edit date etc. I also suggest that the placement within a uniform segment of the group (for example within a priority stratum) always be done consistently either at the top or at the bottom of that stratum - never randomly in the middle.
12/27/2013 23:02#1
12/28/2013 01:56#2
Before the Dec 22 update the tasks were automatically sorted by priority within each group, for example if you had chosen "group by context" the tasks @Home would be listed by priority. This was very convenient, very orderly and totally consistent throughout. The manual sorting introduced on Dec 22 also has its pros (even in the long main lists where it was least expected or needed), but unfortunately the new ordering has become a bit "random", based on invisible factors - and it is also a bit too manual to be fully convenient; you have to reorder the tasks in every single one of all the grouping modes, and you nearly always need to adjust the placement of new tasks.
What I am suggesting as a first step is that they re-instate the second sorting order (priority) and then allow the new manual sorting as a third level of adjustment - primarily if you want to adjust the position within each "priority band", for example in order to keep similar tasks close to each other. (Or skip the manual sorting within the long lists completely. Manual sorting is relevant primarily in real projects and on the Today list, but it certainly would be a cool add-on even in the long lists.)