Hmm, this seems to have changed in the recent update.
Doit used to have ctrl-click for Boolean AND filtering, i.e. what you are asking for.
It would be nice if you could also e.g. shift-click (or vice versa) for Boolean OR filtering, which is very useful, and which is what seems to be in place now.
The most useful for me would be a Boolean NOT filter (e.g. alt-click) whereby I could gently eliminate tasks that are impossible at the moment. This would also make it possible to have more specialized minority tags without having to tag the majority of tasks that has the "opposite" requirement.
(I use Tags feature mainly for detailed contexts, and I use the Context feature for broader "context classes" or "main contexts" that I keep my lists grouped by.)
Is it possible to select tasks that for example have tag 'A' and tag 'B'.
No when I select 'A' and 'B' I see tasks with tag 'A' OR tag 'B'.
12/30/2013 09:13#1
01/04/2014 15:29#2
Same to me. The new way for filtering by multiple tags is useless for me. The old way (select tasks that for example have tag 'A' and tag 'B') much more better
01/04/2014 16:35#3
For me personally, the OR filter is more useful than the AND filter, but that is because I try to avoid routine tagging and instead define tags for exceptional characteristics only, which means I only rarely have many tags to each task. Most tasks are "normal" in most ways and therefore have no such exception tag. But I need a NOT filter to be able to exclude the unwanted exceptions from the list.
Maybe one simple way to give everyone what they want would be if in the new tag filter menu (see Windows app) Doit would have three "radio buttons" called NOT, OR and AND (or maybe some perhaps more user-friendly names, such as Hide, Show and Require?). Depending on which button you select you would see the filtering proceed as you start ticking tags in the list (just as it is now in the Windows app's OR filter).
For additional thoughts on these and some closely related matters please see this discussion http://help.doit.im/topics/2678 -
01/04/2014 21:26#4
I wasn't aware that the filtering options had changed.
I like the thought of having the functionality that @Folke describes above: NOT, OR, AND. That provides the best of everything. +10 -
01/06/2014 08:12#5
@joaquinmari @Folke @hntopper @muras
We are considering improving the feature Filter( Advanced Search) now. Thank you for your suggestions. We have recorded them down.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
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01/06/2014 12:47#6
We are not talking about the advanced filter (= saved search). This is only good for making permanent custom lists, or, if it is powerful enough, for very complex special ad hoc searches..
We are talking about the "quick filter" (using the old tag buttons or the new little "tag menu") which is used for very temporary, ad hoc "focusing" of the list in front of you. -
01/07/2014 08:23#7
I am sorry that I misunderstand you. Do you point to the Tag filter (e.g.on the web version which is at the top of the list )? -
01/07/2014 09:50#8
Yes, exactly :-) -
01/07/2014 13:43#9
Did you see this thread: http://help.doit.im/topics/2678
It is also about the Tag filter, but is also about other temporary rearrangement of the list in front of you (for example the Next list). -
01/07/2014 15:20#10
@wedny_only and @folke
Wendy and Folke, I actually would like to see what Folke suggests above, but I would also like to add that capability to the advanced filter section as well for saved searches. I think this would be very powerful. -
01/07/2014 15:51#11
I agree. Both would be powerful and useful. They serve two very different purposes.
Actually, because there is so much confusion about which "filter" is which, I think it would be clearer to rename the "advanced filters" to something like "custom views" or "saved searches". (RTM call them "smart lists". Omnifocus calls them "perspectives".). These lists can be very worthwhile to set up for special reviewing needs that you have repeatedly, e.g. every day or every week.
The common quick filter (tag filter) is a very different thing. It operates on the list in front of you, is very quick and easy to use, and does not require saving and does not clutter your list of "custom views". Perfect for quickly limiting the list in front of you to whatever happens to be applicable right now.