The tasks in Today will be sorted by different "Group by" sections. If you group by Context,it is sorted by start time,then the created time.
Do you mean that you want it to be sorted by priority?
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
12/31/2013 03:23#1
12/31/2013 18:53#2
@wendy_only Yes, I'm looking to have it sorted by Priority. Within the Today screen, I group by Context. Within each context I would like things sorted by priority (regardless of the task date - it seems to be sorted by this instead).
01/02/2014 07:33#3
We will do a research on it and consider it seriously. Thank you for your suggestion. -
01/02/2014 20:18#4
Just to clarify....
When grouped by Context, it used to subdivide by contact and then within each subdivision the tasks would sort by priority and then due date. This behavior changed about a week ago and it was driving me nuts. The sort appears to be correct on my IOS client though. -
01/03/2014 02:37#5
Whatever the tasks group by start time or priority, I cannot sort those tasks manually. Any idea?
When quick add, it can type ^ to quickly assign the date. Any method to quickly assign the start time, e.g. 11:00am, as well? -
01/03/2014 07:45#6
Q:Whatever the tasks group by start time or priority, I cannot sort those tasks manually. Any idea?
A: Which box do you point to? In Today,you can not manual sort. In Next box, you can do it.
Q:When quick add, it can type ^ to quickly assign the date. Any method to quickly assign the start time, e.g. 11:00am, as well?
A;Which version do you mean? On Mac,iOS and Android versions,you can directly type in the time, e.g. 11:00am . Have a try.
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01/03/2014 07:55#7
@vogelaar @mkanakos
I am sorry that I made a mistake. In Today, when you group by Context,it is sorted by Start time,priority, due date and then update time.
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