Thank you for your feedback!
It has not in our developing plan to support Project folder. Do you ever use the feature "Goal"? If the projects have the same goal, you can drag the projects to the same goal to manage your projects.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support! Happy New Year. : )
Best regards,
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Thanks for your great work.
I wander if there is a way, can create Project folder for organizing projects, because I have so many lines of projects to follow.
Thanks again.
01/02/2014 08:48#1
01/02/2014 09:54#2
+1 for the projects folder. It would be a very convenient feature!
01/02/2014 12:41#3
@innseven, @Jessieblueyu
Please explain: In what way would projects folders called "Folders" be more convenient than projects folders called "Goals"? Or are you saying you want both?
I am not necessarily disagreeing with your request. I am mainly curious about how you would organize your projects both into "Folders" folders and into "Goals" folders at the same time. Are you suggesting that a project could belong to both a "Folder" folder and to a "Goal" folder at the same time (some form of matrix arrangement; please explain the principles) or that you would like to have some folders apart from some other folders (a "Goals" folder group and a "Folders" folder group in different parts of the menu; please explain why this separation would be useful.)
Always curious to learn new tricks and approaches.
02/23/2014 07:20#4
Hello All. From my experience with omnifocus, the notion of folder greatly helps when you have to work with independent groups of inter-related projects.
For instance, imagine you are a consultant, working part-time for a number of customers. With each of these customers, you have a number of projects that make sense for this customer, and no sense for the others. In this case, when you work with Customer A, you want to focus on Customer A projects, and not being distracted by projects of Customer B and C. If you could group your projects by folder, you would typically use a folder for each customer.
Conceptually speaking, I agree that the notion is close to the notion of Goals. But concretely speaking, the way it gets implemented in the Omnifocus tool is quite handy: folders allow to arrange the "projects" part of the left-hand navigation pane as a hierarchical tree view, and if you group some projects in a folder, then you can show or hide the projects in that folder by clicking a "+" or "-" sign next to the folder icon. As a result, you can quickly hide the list of unwanted projects, to focus on the ones you are using now. Also, when clicking on a folder instead of a project, the right hand pane displays all the actions from all the projects in that folder -- ie: a quick glance of all the pending actions for a given customer for instance.
So the concept of folder is merely a visual way of presenting the concept of goals, that allows to hide all the projects that you do not want to concentrate on for the moment. In that sense, an easy way to implement the notion in doit.im would be to have a switch allowing users to display projects and goals as they are now (flat view), or to display projects hierarchically grouped by goals (tree view).
Of course, this visualisation switch might be difficult to implement on smartphones and tablets -- but it would already be nice to have it on larger screens (web, mac, wintel).
Hope this helps -- jp -
02/23/2014 13:00#5
So essentially you are saying that the existing hierarchical tree should be capable of having additional levels - and possibly a name change and other minor adjustments, but you do not seem to be suggesting that there be two independent hierarchical trees (both a "goal" tree and a "folder" tree), which the original post sounded like.
I agree that additional levels would sometimes be useful, even though I get by quite well with the levels we now have (Goal-Project-Task-Subtask). If there were additional levels (disregarding names for a second) those could be used for mapping anything from sub-projects up to visions etc. The existence of additional levels would be particularly powerful if at all levels they had the capability to hold any mix of tasks and "sub-trees" in any order.
A totally different approach (and totally complementary; one does not exclude the other) to using levels for the finer classification would be to improve the tagging and filtering capabilities such that you can quickly limit the scope of the "sub-tree" or other list you are currently looking at. In other words, with the current terminology, if you could Tag your Projects, and if then when looking at a particular Goal or when looking at the Next etc list you could quickly include/exclude tasks that belong to projects with certain such Tags, then you would have some quite powerful flexibility. The tagging/exclusion capability would reduce the need for exaggerated nesting in the tree itself (projects, folders, goals etc), and would also allow you to implement an independent second dimension to your classification system that could go across the branches of the tree. -
08/30/2016 12:44#6
Hi guys,
I have just shifted from omnifocus to using doit.im.. BIG FAN! I love the fact is a lit simpler and more intuitive.
One feature I am really missing though is indeed the folders feature, for the big sake of Hiding and Viewing grouped items. I agree with Jeppysan it is distracting to be reminded of everything in your projects and/or goals section, as those are the only 2 folders available and there is no way to hide subsections of projects and subsections of goals.. So the folder feature, grouping different projects in a folder with the sake of viewing/hiding specific folders, would be a big big plus for the application.
Can you let me know if such is under development or if there are plans to develop?
Vincent -
09/01/2016 09:39#7
Sorry for the delayed response. We are very glad you like Doit.im : )
We will take the folder feature into account, but it isn't in our plan currently. -
09/02/2016 11:47#8
Hi All, what about to have tags for projects as well?
Thank you,
l. -
09/07/2016 02:06#9
@liangshen We feel so sorry, but it hasn't been in our development plan for now.Thanks for your support for Doit for such a long time.