Could you please tell me the version of your Android app? In the new V4 apps,there is no "Group by" option. It is grouped by Start Time in Scheduled.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
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Opcion to List by Group in the View Scheduled, in the Web plataform
in the version for android, i can see all my task by Priority, Context o project, in the Scheduled view, but in the web version, i can´t..... why??? i think this is a fault, i hope you chance that!!!
01/06/2014 09:32#1
01/13/2014 22:05#2
the problem isn´t the android app, the problem i saw in the web version, is there that i can´t use the Group option and to see my task by context, project, start time etc, etc, etc,....
01/13/2014 22:58#3
@alfredolopez80 Si quieres pasarte y unirte al grupo que tenemos abierto para GTD en Español, igual te podemos ayudar el resto de compañeros.
Me puedes explicar un poco el problema detalladamente? igual te puedo ayudar.
gracias y saludos.
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