Thank you for your feedback!
I am sorry that We do not reproduce it. We will check this issue further. If you find more information about how you reproduce this problem,please tell us. What's the browser? Which box are you in? How do you select the tasks,one by one?
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Bug with mutli priority changing to tasks via hotkeys
I have been mutli selecting tasks, then changing priority via the hotkey p while selected. This works fine most of the time, but sometimes it gets confused.
two medium priority tasks listed in main window, both selected, hit p once to promote to high, one goes to low and one goes to high. this is very annoying and a waste of my time to redo the one that didn't work. It does not do this every time, but I would say two thirds of the time
two medium priority tasks listed in main window, both selected, hit p once to promote to high, one goes to low and one goes to high. this is very annoying and a waste of my time to redo the one that didn't work. It does not do this every time, but I would say two thirds of the time
01/07/2014 04:03#1
01/09/2014 16:33#2
i will get back to you once i am feeling better as ill right now. and this is a low priority
01/10/2014 07:11#3
OK. There is a bug before the task will lose focus after changing the priority using shortcut "P" if you group by priority. -
01/10/2014 08:53#4
okay thanks