Now, if there are more than 100 tasks, the first completed tasks will auto go to the Archiver.
Tasks can also be viewed even archived. Now only in the web version can you view archived tasks. Go to Completed and there are two icons below the Settings button at the top right corner. Click on the right icon and you will go to Archiver.
Tasks can not be put back to live tasks after archived. And if you don't need to archive tasks, do you want them to stay in Completed box all the time?
Thank you for your feedback and support.
a) is it possible to change the status back from archived so they are live tasks again?
b) Is it possible to turn off archive, or set it to a longer time period than on month?
05/01/2013 10:30#1
05/01/2013 11:17#3
Thank your for your response. The problem is the archiver is archiving tasks I do not want archived yet. It is archiving tasks I want to repeat every month. The archiving frequency is shorter than the frequency of which I do the repeat tasks. This is only a problem for tasks I carry out every month (like pay my credit card for example).
Any of these options would solve this for me:
- ability to move archived tasks back to live tasks.
- ability to control when tasks are archived (ability to change it from 30 days to 60 days would likely solve it)
- ability to control which tasks are archived in some way
THanks -
05/01/2013 11:24#4
Maybe I can solve it using the repeat tasks setting, I'll try that.
05/02/2013 02:52#5
In your case, I think the "Repeat" feature could meet your request. On the task adding page, click on "Repeat". There are several repeat modes provided you, Daily, Weekly, Weekday, Monthly, Yearly. For example, if you want a task to repeat every month, you can choose the "Monthly" mode and then choose the day on which the task repeats.
Please feel free to let us know if you have further problems.
Thank you for your feedback and support.