I have same problem. When i start doit app, i can't log in, my mac freeze and i have to use cmd+alt+esc and restart app.
01/09/2014 21:10#1
01/10/2014 04:02#2
@murda2 @steky
Sorry for this problem. Could you please tell me the OS version and where did you download the app?
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/imdoit
Twitter: https://twitter.com/doitim
Help Center: http://help.doit.im/
Blog: http://enblog.doit.im/
Group: http://help.doit.im/group/ -
01/10/2014 06:15#3
@murda2 @steky
Sorry for this problem. It may have the problem if you auto update and after update process it started. We are checking this issue now. Please try the two solutions below if it can solve the problem:
1. Please kill the app and restart it;
2. Re-install the app.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/imdoit
Twitter: https://twitter.com/doitim
Help Center: http://help.doit.im/
Blog: http://enblog.doit.im/
Group: http://help.doit.im/group/ -
01/10/2014 08:16#4
Hi, i try:
- kill app, remove (uninstall) app a re-install and still doesn't work :/ and same problem.
I have OS Maverick and i download doit.im 4.0.2 for Mac. -
01/10/2014 09:19#6
This is a private comment.
01/10/2014 09:28#7
If the log is so big,please delete the old logs firstly.
1. Delete the old logs using the order below typing it in terminal:
rm ~/Library/"Application Support"/DoitimMac/*.log
2.Try to open the app and log in. If it does not work,please quite the app avoiding creating many logs.
3. Then send us the log file to us:
cp ~/Library/"Application Support"/DoitimMac/*.log ~/Desktop/
If you are sure that there is no imprortant data in the app which are not synced to server,you can clear your locall data and try to log in again.
Clear data order:
rm -rf ~/Library/"Application Support"/DoitimMac/
01/10/2014 13:47#8
@wendy_only It still does not work for me. The log which was generated has around 90 MB so I send only a fragment.
2014-01-10 13:43:19 +0000 [INFO] <0x600000072040(MainThread:1) DILog.m:(139) void DIReportLog(NSString *__strong, NSString *__strong, NSString *__strong)> resType:app, exception:2014-01-10 13:43:19 +0000 [INFO] <0x600000072040(MainThread:1) DILog.m:(139) void DIReportLog(NSString *__strong, NSString *__strong, NSString *__strong)> resType:app, exception:2014-01-10 13:43:19 +0000 [INFO] <0x600000072040(MainThread:1) DILog.m:(139) void DIReportLog(NSString *__strong, NSString *__strong, NSString *__strong)> resType:app, exception:2014-01-10 13:43:19 +0000 [INFO] <0x600000072040(MainThread:1) DILog.m:(139) void DIReportLog(NSString *__strong, NSString *__strong, NSString *__strong)> resType:app, exception:2014-01-10 13:43:19 +0000 DILogProcessError(bRetCode) [0x600000072040(MainThread:1) DIPropertyList.m:(271)] <-[DIPropertyList saveWithData:]>
This is repeating in recursion in whole log file. -
01/10/2014 13:48#9
I also have OS Maverick 10.9.1 and i downloaded Doit.im 4.0.2 for Mac.
01/10/2014 14:50#10
@steky @murda2
I'm very sorry for this bug.
Now the bug is fixed, please download the new version. http://download.doit.im/doit.im.4.0.3.zip
Thank you for your support. -
01/10/2014 17:04#11
So the upgrade results in the MAC version no longer free.....Really guys? Not kool!!!1
01/10/2014 23:23#12
@zhexu Thanks a lot! It works now!
However there is probably some related weird behavior using Google Account login. I have updated the app, opened it and clicked to Google Account Login icon. I wrote my credentials and send them to Google. It looked ok after submit but after a moment it closed the popup windows and showed regular login form with tiny red text "error" in top-right corner of login dialog. I am sure that credentials were ok because on the next click to Google Account Login icon it started opening of Google login dialog but directly logged me in. I would also expected more specific error message instead of "error" only :-) -
01/10/2014 23:38#13
This is a private comment.
01/11/2014 02:45#15
@mikexlewis The mac version always only for Pro User.
01/11/2014 08:16#19
Do you mean that your first time failed logging in with Google account and the second time succeeded? Could you log in successfully and use the app now?
We will check this issue further. -
01/11/2014 12:12#20
@wendy_only That is correct. However on the second login I did not filled any form field. It just logged me in so I think the login token was saved but not used at first time. At the second try it was ok so I am using it right now.
01/13/2014 03:37#21
Sorry for late response. We will try to reproduce it on our local environment and find the cause.