Sorry that it is a bug on iPad. Now we do not find a way to solve this bug. We will work harder.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
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On my iPad when I manually order my "Doit Now" tasks in the Today tab, I move the task(s), then a few seconds later, the screen refreshes and the order goes back to its starting position.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
I'm also syncing my tasks to my iPhone and Windows client
01/17/2014 10:21#1
01/25/2014 03:18#2
I'm a new user - signed up for the "paid"version within a couple of days - thought I saw somewhere that the paid version would allow me to "move" tasks up and down - ie manually sort them by MY priority.
I'm having a REALLY hard time figuring out how the current version is supposed to work - much less, whether I might be able to adapt it to my desired use. . The information at "Features" is simplistic - and trying to search "Help" or the "blog" turns up SO many outdated entries, it's useless. Would it be possible to have a CURRENT "HOWTO" manual available somewhere? I've spent a LOT of time today, reading search results, and trying to find some meaningful information on how I might sort tasks - ie put them in priority -to me - on a day to day basis.
I have the feeling that "DoIt" might be useful - but - "as is" - with NO manual, and no meantinful instructions or descriptions of the current version - it has only served to COST me time. Pencil and paper - or a rudimentary "outliner" would have served me better.
I hope I'm wrong - and that somewhere there is a clear set of instructions.
01/26/2014 12:47#3
Could you please tell me which version you point to? -
04/07/2014 22:32#4
This is still and issue both on the iPad and iPhone.
04/08/2014 10:12#5
Please tell me the iPhone version. Is it the latest version 4.0.3 ( http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/doit.im-for-iphone/id779377375?ls=1&mt=8) ? -
04/12/2014 11:57#6
I was actually using doit.im hd. But I installed the doit.im for iPhone version 4.0.3 and the problem still exists.
Problem steps
I move things to doit now (the program places them in an order of it's choosing)
I reorder to my liking.
I hit the sync button (the program reorders the list to how it was before I sorted)
04/13/2014 19:18#7
We will try our best to find the cause and fix it ASAP.