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I do not understand the need for setting a Context for a Project. A Project is made up of a series of Tasks. Each Task should have a Context in which it should be done (email, phone, computer, etc), but given that the Project is simply the sum off all the Tasks contained within it, I don't understand how the Project itself could have a Context. I guess if it was a home improvement project and you had a Context @Home then you could apply it, but this really doesn't make sense to me. Specifically because you could have a Task "Call potential contractors to get bids" and this would be under the context of @Phone versus @Home.
I understand how some people like to have an Area of Responsibilty function so that they can seperate different area's of their life. @Folke has written about this extensively and either by using Context or Goals in Doit you can create a hack that will do that for you with Doit. However, I don't think that assigning a Context to a Project is appropriate. I do however, feel that adding Tags to projects makes sense. This will still allow those who want or need Areas of Responsibilities to Tag their projects and have the same functionality, especially if it is not the intent for Doit it to implement an Area of Responsibilities as a formal part of the App.
I use tags for denoting area of responsibility and every task in the project would have the same area of responsibility.
01/20/2014 18:51#1
01/20/2014 19:26#2
@hntopper Note this request was not for adding Context to projects. That already exists and I agree with you makes no sense.
01/20/2014 20:17#3
+1 for being able to apply tags to projects, which are then to be automatically inherited by all tasks within. I, too, would use these tags primarily for Areas of Responsibility.
In addition, i would like to be able to apply tags to goals, for the exact same reason. A goal (both in Doit and in GTD) is just a larger "project". The goal's tags should be inherited down to the projects within, and then down to the tasks within.
The immediate purpose of all this is to be able to quick filter the list using the quick tag filters, and it would also be convenient in the saved searches.
When @hntopper mentions "Area of Responsibilities as a formal part of the App" I assume he is talking about a permanent on-duty/off-duty switch, which "filters" the whole app until you change the switch. Such functionality would be perfectly possible to add at some stage if goals and projects had tags. All that is then needed is to allow the user to connect certain tags to that switch. (This is nothing I need, but I know it is a popular feature.) -
01/21/2014 08:19#4
Hi all,
It is not in our developing now to add tags to Projects. We are now considering to improve Projects feature. Thank you for your suggestions.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
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01/21/2014 10:54#5
@Folke, sorry if you've already posted on this, but since you don't have a need for the "sticky" filter feature where a filter stays in effect until it's changed. I would think that anyone that uses Doit for work and home would appreciate being able to turn one of them off to focus on the other. Every day when I'm at work, I see my 'home' projects in the list. It's distracting and stressful. Clearing the screen of numerous 'home' projects would help me focus on 'work' projects. How do you handle 'work' vs 'home'?
01/21/2014 12:55#6
I know the sticky switch is popular and I am not advising against it. The easiest and most flexible way to achieve this (that I can think of, anyway) would be to have taggable goals/projects and simply connect suitable tags to the switch. That would make it possible to use the tags both for a sticky switch and as a volatile list filter (tag filter) (just like Nirvana).
How do I handle work vs. home? Well, I simply star only the items that I want to deal with now. I am always looking at the whole picture regardless of the time of day. It would be useful for me, though, to be able to group the Next and Waiting list by Goal - you can use those as main containers for home vs Work, if you like, also see http://help.doit.im/group/topic/92.
And it would be very useful to have the ad hoc quick filtering capability indirectly suggested in this thread (which could be easily solved by allowing inheritable tags to be applied to goals and projects). In the same vein I also think Contexts should be taggable in the same way. Yes, I know this might sound strange, but it would serve a similar purpose; it would make it possible to use quick volatile list filtering by context, too, and it would also make it possible to apply a secondary context to tasks by using the other context's tag. -
11/25/2014 11:10#7
Absurd that I can select the context and not the tags. -
02/02/2015 21:29#8
I want to join tp everybody here.
Tags for projects are strongly needed! It's totally neccecary to add this future.
And I think all tasks should inhert projects tags.
My pro will end in some monthes. And I think unfortunatelly I could change doit im for some another app which has this features.
Thanks for all. -
02/03/2015 03:28#9
Thank you for your feedback. We will work harder to make Doit.im better.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team -
06/16/2015 15:22#10
It's critical to be able to tag a project, and let all tasks in the project inherit the project tag. Please "doit" ! -
06/17/2015 06:28#11
Thank you for your feedback. Could you please tell me why you need the tag? Do you want to filter the projects in the project list?
Best regards,
Doit.im Team