
I am trying doit.im (actually I use wunderlist but I plan to migrate to doit).

I actually test doit through a google account and it works with web application.

But when I try to download the chrome/firefox extension, it asks to connect, so I click on the "Google Account" icon, it redirects me on an authentication page with login/mdp... and my google credentials (mail, password) doesn't work.
(32 and less letters, digits and underline)

So I downloaded the windows version of your application, I started it and I have a login popup.
I can't simply choose google account on this one.
My gmail account credentials don't work here too

My google mail is jeremycohensolal@gmail.com

I give you some png showing the issue.

How can I do to use the windows application and the firefox/chrome ext with my google account?
