After checking,we find that your pro account will expire on 2016-01-24. Do you mean that it still ask you to upgrade when you have been Pro? Which app do you point to?
Every month application requires annual subscription
Explain to me why every month your application requests to extend my subscription for one year. For the second or third time I prolong it for a year. You can fix it and get my money back?
02/03/2014 05:47#2
10/28/2016 06:11#3
Hi, I need your help!
I want change main e-mail in my account. Because the email to which my account is no longer valid. How can I change my e-mail in my account?
I just want to know how to filter tasks for the duration of their performance? Is there such a possibility?
Thank you -
10/28/2016 08:55#4
Just tell us the new email address that you want to change, and we will help you to change it.
On Web, click the lower right corner of the task list, you can group them by Priority, Context, Project and Time.
And you can also create a custom filter box, please view the link below to learn more details.