If convenient, could you please give us the screenshot of Doit.im Scheduled calendar?
Now, if it is a repeated task, and its start date is just the day which it repeats on, then there will be two tasks with the same title showed on that day. For example, you set a repeated task "Go to gym" that starts today (Today is May 5th), and repeats on every Sunday (Today is Sunday). After you save it, there will be two tasks called "Go to gym" on May 5th. In fact, they are different. One is the whole repeated which exists in Scheduled box, and the other is today's instance which exists in Today box. The former, if you complete or delete it, no more instances of the task will be generated, while the latter, if you complete or delete it, there will be no influence on the whole repeated task.
Please feel free to contact us if you have further problems about it.
Thank you for our feedback and support.
Duplicate todo appearing in the scheduled calendar view
The Scheduled calendar view shows repeated todo items twice. I think it might be due to a buggy sync with Google Calendar, but they are still there even after disabling the link with Google Calendar.
05/05/2013 08:09#1