Sorry for late response.
Is the problem still there? Could you please tell me the name of the task which one you select but 'Convert to project' button does not appear?
About the place where 'Convert to project' button is showed,we will consider it seriously as we are redesigning the interface of web version now.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
It is absolutelly bad idea:
(a) to have this button appearing/disappearing in such inobvious logic (does it make sense if I open task from Today screen or from project task list scren? whats the difference in workflow?)
(b) to have this button appear where there used to be Edit button in other cases — for example I often use Edit function and after repetitive daily use of some function I'm simply making blind clicks and thus where I expect to have Edit I instead have Convert to project in some cases — the function which is by the way can't be undone and which makes it especially annoying (I have to got this new project, take its data, recreate my task and delete this new unwanted project).
Besides such little faults make you think and doulbe check each time before editing any other task (its not the option that should require such level of user attention, isn't it?).
Please either make this button appearance constant or move it to the end of the list (just after delete button).
I think both would be even better — as I believe 'Convert to project' function is not as often used as Edit or Delete functions, I don't use it at all and even see no purpose in it for my personal workflow.
02/08/2014 13:10#1
03/25/2014 13:38#2
didn't noticed your response on time.
Yes, the problem is still there! I still want to stress that it is absolutelly not good in all terms to show one button instead of another with different actions depending on different context!
As I wrote above *Convert to project* button appears in the place of *Edit* button when task is selected in the context of *Today* list, while this button is not there in the context of any other list (for example when you're viewing the tasks of some project). I've made a screenshot attached to the topic above: https://storage.doit.im/support/view/971aeb77c5eee8974976d304ca794064/3817_35_edit-convert-to-project.png
Even if there is some hidden logic behind this behavior I would like to stress that it is not good to place this button instead of Edit button. Because as a user I make a lot of 'blind clicks' asuming that Edit button is always in place, while it is not! And I've just converted a task with 12 subtasks into a project by such blind click, while a wanted to edit it instead! And it SOOOO annoying because now I have to re-create this task and copy/paste back all these 12 subtasks!
The easiest solution you could apply really fast without chaning any logic is to make *Convert to project* button appear after the delete button (see screenshot above). This way you would certainly avoid making such accidential actions.
Hope you understand the problem and fix шею
Thanks! -
03/26/2014 03:56#3
Do you mean that you want the place of the button to be fixed? It is the place for the Edit button,then it can not display the Convert to project button in any other viewing page,right? Now in the Project list, there is no Convert to project button. But in Today task list, there is Convert to project button. So the buttons are displayed in different places. -
04/04/2014 12:10#4
So you find it fine that one action replaces another in different contexts (https://storage.doit.im/support/view/971aeb77c5eee8974976d304ca794064/3817_35_edit-convert-to-project.png)?
And this action that replaces another is executed without any prompt and can't be undone.
Imagine if in your Explorer on your PC (or Finder on your Mac) you had 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions swapping from time to time depending on which folder you're looking at. And besides delete function is done with no confirmation and could not be undone!
That is what we're actually having now: depending on whether I'm viewing my tasks from project tasks list or from Today tasks list I have either 'Edit' or 'Convert to project' button in a single place.
I think that you're actually do not get well enough what I mean, so I visualized the problem and how it can be fixed in a simple way. Please see the image attached.
I call it a problem because this is really a problem: I've got several tasks with lots of subtasks and comments converted to projects (which I absolutely do not need) by blindly clicking this Convert to project button where I at any other context expect to have Edit button. And this is done with no prompt and can't be undone. So I have to manually recreate everything back.