Q:I wish I could at least take a multiple selection of tasks, and allow me to drag it up in priority.
A: On web version,you can use shortcut "P" to set multiple tasks priority at the same time.
Q: Please, please address sorting out manual & priority sorting, asap...
A: We are considering to support sorting out manual & priority sorting.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
In the current nightmare situation of having to move many tasks around because of the sorting issue, I wish I could at least take a multiple selection of tasks, and allow me to drag it up in priority. It does not, only one at a time This is very tedious. Is there a way I am missing to do this?
Please, please address sorting out manual & priority sorting, asap...
thanks for your time
02/17/2014 10:20#1
02/19/2014 06:28#2
great news wendy,thank you, I assume you mean the following:
Q:I wish I could at least take a multiple selection of tasks, and allow me to drag it up in priority.
A: On web version,you can use shortcut "P" to set multiple tasks priority at the same time.
Yes, but you cannot then drag them. So,if I am in a view like context, the tasks appear in any order, i would like the default sorting to be priority within the box, ie context. multiple priority changing is a different thing altogether. What I meant above was, if you have three tasks that you want to manually sort up to the rest of the high priority tasks as you have changed priority, you have drag each seperately, you cannot drage all three up.
1. tasks would automatically be sorted by priority by default
2. you could then manually sort them after that if desired by dragging? correct?
thanks for listening,.
02/19/2014 08:28#3
Q:1. tasks would automatically be sorted by priority by default
A: It would be great if we can make it.
Q: 2. you could then manually sort them after that if desired by dragging? correct?
A: Do you mean that you want to drag more than one task at one time?
Best regards,
Doit.im Team